Questions on Pekins

Moscovies are mean,so be redy.But the older they get you will here a hiss cone from the males and the hens make a pipping sound and are usually quite.
Muscovies( is the correct spelling) and they are not aggressive averagely they are some of the most friendly ducks that form some of the deepest bonds. They are also some of the most domestic breeds so I am confused on where you are getting "wild" from? . Anyway, It does take them a while to mature mentally so they still usually follow whoever they think mom is around for a long while past their full adult molt. They do nip here and there but thats because males see mom ( even if you are male yourself) as a female that can be bred just like any other female duck, so yes there is some nipping and chasing but they do eventually grow out of that , and if you know how to handle it the nipping and chasing really isn't even that bad.Once the male has grown out of that stage he is more ready to start his own harem away from "mom". Females are much more calm and collected at an earlier age and are more independent of "mother" after their adult molt, they rarely cause any trouble and spend most of their time dealing with males.
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They fight badly and they dont give up fights too easy.I have never had any drake fight for so long most fights between other breeds last a few minutes and muscovies ae just like mini pitbuls fighters never give up
My Muscovies killed my chuckens and probably would have ran off my other flock it wasnt for Daffy a runner drake (Runners are also furious).They were mean,and stubborn brats they wouldnt g
o up at night and they can fly so our case had gotten worse
Well maybe thats just your case but most people have very good things to say about muscovies ( other than having too many
) , you're a minority. Im sorry that you had that happen to your birds but even in holderreads book he called them majestic flyers and friendly.

The muscovies here do great with all the other ducks, and geese never once have they fought, and they were NOT even raised together, which if you have ever put waterfowl all together without them knowing one another you know that it usually doesn't go so well, but the muscovies have never fought anything else ( other than each other for females, but hey that's there natural behavior)

Another thing is that when males fight they fight really bad, but once they fight they are done they will not fight each other again probably till next breeding season. Unlike many mallard derived breeds which continually attack the other males.
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Thank you everybody. Everything i bought from tractor supply this year... has turned into another surprise!! Its like christmas!!! Haha


Cupcake is a Muskove. Pekins don't have that little hook on the end of their

I bought my 4 Pekin duckling 5 weeks ago at Tractor supply store, I they are muskovie and not Pekin's that is false advertisement!! Mine have the hooks at the end of their beak as well. I hope they are going to be sweet.
I have used aprons on my layers but now my male Perkins chase the one girl around the property and are very rough with her. How do I protect the back of her neck where they hold her? Especially something that won't stay wet.
I have used aprons on my layers but now my male Perkins chase the one girl around the property and are very rough with her. How do I protect the back of her neck where they hold her? Especially something that won't stay wet.
Your talking about your female Pekin? @treedr ? How many drakes to females? time out works for keeping drakes from injuring female ducks not much you can put on to protect them especially if they are going to have access to water. Keep drakes inside a pen where they can't all get to your females at one time they can also gang up and drown one too.The ratio should be 1 drake and at least 3 and up for the females

Welcome to BYC!
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