In the Brooder
Oct 30, 2016
So my chicken coop has no ventilation and I'm really worried about the temp dropping tonight to around 19°, which is about a good drop in temperature considering our temps haven't dropped below 32 yet. The coop is not insulated, So I got a 250w red heat lamp. With the humidity high in the coop I don't want them to get frost bite. Will the location be ok for the night.
Several issues here. One, you need to correct the no ventilation issue ASAP. Two, if they get used to heat and then the power goes out and they lose it and are plunged suddenly to cold temperatures, they will go into shock and die. Three, heat lamps are HUGE fire risk and you're risking burning your whole coop down. Many coops burn down in the winter because of exactly this. And four, you're not going to prevent frostbite. You're going to prevent them getting frostbite in the coop, but that's it. The moisture is still going to collect on their combs and wattles etc and the second they go out it's going to freeze and boom, frostbite. Get some ventilation in there.
Several issues here. One, you need to correct the no ventilation issue ASAP. Two, if they get used to heat and then the power goes out and they lose it and are plunged suddenly to cold temperatures, they will go into shock and die. Three, heat lamps are HUGE fire risk and you're risking burning your whole coop down. Many coops burn down in the winter because of exactly this. And four, you're not going to prevent frostbite. You're going to prevent them getting frostbite in the coop, but that's it. The moisture is still going to collect on their combs and wattles etc and the second they go out it's going to freeze and boom, frostbite. Get some ventilation in there.

I would love to. I just bought the house and moved in, the coop and birds were already here from the previous owners. They didn't do much in the way of taking care of the coop, run, or the chickens themselves. The only reason I'm putting it in there tonight is the sudden drop in temperature. I'm just trying to keep them alive through the night. Also I'm building a new coop soon for them
I would get that heat lamp out of the coop now if you've just put it in. I'm in MN, and have learned much along the way. For one thing, when I first started keeping chickens, I had the coop closed up tight and a heat lamp in there. The moisture buildup was terrible. My chickens got frostbite every winter. When I read about ventilation and no heat lamps and started keeping them that way, they did so much better. You need to be able to vent out the moisture and humidity. Cut a couple of holes toward the tops of the walls and cover them with hardware cloth to keep the critters out. You are not doing them any favors by giving them a heat lamp.

Nineteen degrees is not that big a deal to your chickens. It's been below zero here every night for the past few nights. My chickens are fine. The low on Sat. is forecast to be -22. The temperature, not the windchill. I will close the pop doors and probably the windows on Sat. afternoon...

Just read your reply to Pyxis. They're not going to die overnight if it gets down to 19. Our temperatures have been crazy this year. We had highs in the 60's one week, and down to 20 the next. Drops of 20 degrees or more in the span of a few days are not uncommon here. Your chickens have been acclimating to cooler weather since it started turning during the fall. They have been growing their down coats, and will possibly snuggle on the roost if it gets too cold. (Mine are pretty independent and don't - even the poor hen that's molting right now.) By putting heat in you are more likely making them uncomfortable. Imagine this (or actually do it) - you have all your winter gear on. Hat, scarf, mittens, coat, snowpants, boots. Go outside for an hour or two. You're nice and toasty warm and comfortable, right? Now come back in. Leave your winter gear on. All of it. Leave it on for a few hours. How does that feel? Are you hot and uncomfortable? Maybe getting a little cranky? Your chickens are always wearing all their winter gear. They can't take it off.
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I would get that heat lamp out of the coop now if you've just put it in. I'm in MN, and have learned much along the way. For one thing, when I first started keeping chickens, I had the coop closed up tight and a heat lamp in there. The moisture buildup was terrible. My chickens got frostbite every winter. When I read about ventilation and no heat lamps and started keeping them that way, they did so much better. You need to be able to vent out the moisture and humidity. Cut a couple of holes toward the tops of the walls and cover them with hardware cloth to keep the critters out. You are not doing them any favors by giving them a heat lamp. 

Nineteen degrees is not that big a deal to your chickens. It's been below zero here every night for the past few nights. My chickens are fine. The low on Sat. is forecast to be -22. The temperature, not the windchill. I will close the pop doors and probably the windows on Sat. afternoon... 

X2 on this, they don't need heat, get it out of there. They won't die overnight because of the cold. Sudden temp drops need to be much more than 32 to 19 to adversely affect them. And get that ventilation in there ASAP. Don't wait to build a new coop.
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Just went and pulled it out. It wasn't really making that much of a difference anyways. I was able to touch the bulb with my barehand. My 60w lights in my house get hotter than that and it is a 250w red lamp.

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