Quiet/calm breed of duck?

My ducks HATE tomatoes that said they ate all the lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, we're yanking at the asparagus and destroyed some potted plants last year.. i am fencing my veggie garden off till fall die off... plus i have to admit the HUGE scovie drakes? um, squished a few plants...
Thats funny because mine don't care for tomatoes either, or apples (though they will eat both once they realize I won't give them anything else, lol)

Mine LOVE the chard, broccoli, lettuce, cabbage, cukes, squash (zuccini, summer squash, pretty much all varieties)
I've got four Blue Swedish babies coming next week, first ducks ever. They came highly recommended for their temperament and personality...we're excited! I have a 30,000 gallon koi pond sitting empty, full of algae...rather than spend hundreds stocking the pond with koi, we're going to try raising bluegill from what we catch during our first fishing trip of the season. I've been told my breed won't fly unless extremely uphappy, and that they'll coop/run around with the chickens.
I've got four Blue Swedish babies coming next week, first ducks ever. They came highly recommended for their temperament and personality...we're excited! I have a 30,000 gallon koi pond sitting empty, full of algae...rather than spend hundreds stocking the pond with koi, we're going to try raising bluegill from what we catch during our first fishing trip of the season. I've been told my breed won't fly unless extremely uphappy, and that they'll coop/run around with the chickens.

With wild caught native fishes, I recommend quarantining and treating for parasites before introducing them to your pond.
I would totally recommend an indian runner duck, they are soo mellow and calm. they also loovvee to snuggle !!! this is a picture of my indian runner that is now in a petting zoo because we wanted her to have as much time w/ people since she was sooooo snuggly!!!!!
I agree with DuckiesRMyThing.

You know, since that's my duck in the picture too.


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I have had 6 breeds of ducks and I suggest Saxonys if you can get them. They are on the Rare duck list and are very quiet, gentle birds . Females are buff to cinnamon with eyestripes. Drakes are ivory basecoat with claret colored breast, soft bluegray head and white neck ring. Also some bluegray on tail and feathers.....They are a meat and egg duck....
I suggest cayugas. They are very mellow and quiet. Mine are also very friendly, if I sit down they will climb up onto my lap and let me pet them. They are also endangered and BEAUTIFUL! My buffs are also mellow and friendly, but they are louder.

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