Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

Now that would be fun! And I would pester you to death asking questions and looking for expert advice.

Hmm, geese, hadn't thought about them having geese. I think I can resist the chicks, but geese? Not so sure.

But I'm just looking. Really.
Hi Deb. It's hard to do because it goes against human nature. But in order to be forgiven you got to forgive and let go. It has been one of the hardest things for me to learn and then do.
Thanks WB, been struggling with that a lot lately. Needed that quote and some understanding. You're alright in my book WB.
I hope it does not get that low Patti. It is awful to lose the spring flowers that way. People wait all year for them
!I love flowering quince! I had rooted a small cutting and it was growing and flowering in a 4 inch pot then it just died. It was so pretty.I lost my source of cuttings,
I may have to buy one and try again.

Have fun at the swap Debbie!

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