R.I.P most of my coop R.I.P Cheepers 11/28/10

It isn't likely to be a bobcat, that is why I asked about bears in the area.

Since the OP didn't exactly tell us about what was securing the door to the coop, etc... etc ... it is hard to put the tail on a likely animal.

I hope you are aware that there is a move afoot to re introduce the Grizz into New Mexico. Sometimes it has been known for private parties to "shorten" the approval process.
There are no bears in this area. This is the hot, dry, mesquite covered area of NM with nowhere for bears to hide, hibernate, or go un-noticed. Whatever it is it's big, strong, sneaky, and has a short life span.
so sorry for your loss
I can only imagine how you feel i really hope you get what ever it is
Bears rarely if ever would JUMP a 6 foot fence and in NM it would be unlikely find one in a desert area as previously stated! But Felines are not so opposed to that kinda climate and are fully capable of jumping a 6 foot fence with no problem and are ravenous eaters!!!! In New Mexico they have bobcats and cougars either of which could clear a 6 foot fence with ease

Note a bear would probabely just knock down the fence and not go over it
OMG I am just now seeing this. I am so terribly sorry that this happened to your pets. I know you think of your birds as we do and not as "food producers" I hope that you are able to dispatch of the problem and soon!
I'm just so sorry, Kate. I wish I had someone actually laying to send you eggs to start over with. We've been very fortunate in not losing any to predators in the five years we've had chickens, but I know one day, our number will be up.

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