R.I.P most of my coop R.I.P Cheepers 11/28/10

Thank you all, and Mathew thank you for your thoughts. I'm not going to replace or hatch right now, I will wait until Spring and probably do a hatch in my classroom then. I really appreciate all the good thoughts and offers and such, you are a wonderful bunch of people.
I have been reading this thread with a heavy heart...I'm ever so sorry for your loss. I have also been reading all the kind and wonderful things these people have been saying to you and am happy that BYC is here for you....Sounds like your a great chicken mom!! I hope you can heal your heart and please accecept my prayers....
So very sorry about your losses! Until today when you stated your neighbor chased off large coyotes, I wondered if it might have been a badger. They are not real large but are incredibly strong and vicious, but the coyote theory sounds much more likely since they were seen so close to your house. I hope Cheepers makes a full recovery as well as all your other injured ones.
Coyotes make sense here, since the predator could clear a 6ft fence and leave no fur or feathers in it and more than one would explain how many were killed and eaten. Thank you for your prayers, your thoughts, and for being here.
I wont dare let you slide by so easly Contact me in the spring for a booster starter flock
Kate, I have been reading this thread through a few tears. I am so sorry for all you have been through. My heart aches for you. There is a reason cheepers is surviving. You sound alittle more alive with his everyday recovery. You two will have a very close bond. You have a lot of wonderful and caring people here on BYC. They are all great peole. My prayers go out to you.
I took Cheeper Peeps outside for awhile this morning, he attempted to take a dirt bath but doesn't have the coordination or control he needed so I tossed a little dirt on him while he wiggled around. He enjoyed it was more than ready to come back in the house and sleep in his kennel.

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