R.I.P. Red the rooster

So sorry for your loss... It's always so sad losing a feathered friend, especially to tragic circumstances like that. It is wonderful that he protected his flock, though--what a noble rooster! I'm sure you'll remember him fondly.
My condolences for the loss of your brave roo. He sounds like he was quite the character.

And I hope you can make those dogs owners PAY for their stupidity.

*salutes Red* Carry on, brave little solider.
^Don't worry, we called animal services and they took the dogs away. Unfortunately they couldn't charge him because they have no proof of neglect. I guess killing a neighbors pet isn't illegal?
Im so sorry for your loss a few years ago my 9 year old roo straut with 3 inch spurs held a fox at bay from the rest of the flock until I could come out.He died like your roo protecting his flock.

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