Rabbit in need of fixing or is he rabid?


12 Years
Jul 23, 2007
Hi i posted a little bit ago about a mini rex who acts suddenly more aggressive and most commented on him most probably going through puberty...but i am not so sure....We have moved him away from the girl bunny into another room, and if I reach my hand into the cage slowly and nicely to get his food bowl he has dove at me and bit on the glove i was wearing and pulled hard...i could feel his teeth baring down hard as heck on my glove and pulling like im kujo the dog....no joke...he doesn't really seem to pay much attention to his food....and drinks alot of water alot like alot goes through a whole bottle before the day is done and, scatters everything everywhere, always on the move...never really being calm even when left alone.....he constantly runs around the cage and bites and pulls and gnaws at the bars of his cage all over and is always biting something....his change is very sudden...back in june around the 22nd they first got him and held him and gave him attention and he seemed ok with it, but within that time till now he has attacked his mom and drew blood and, attacked the cats...i have never yet seen him sleep....he is restless...in the beginning while being handled he seemed at ease and calm and they haven't changed their routine with him and have loved him and held him daily or almost daily and given him hay and veggies and pellets daily and fresh water....and now if held with gloves of course due to caution...he just freezes badly and bulges his eyes in fear like guinea pigs do from what i remember when i had them....It has become very difficult to even reach a hand inside to just grab his bowl and fill it up and so on and maybe even change his bedding....i've seen animals when afraid...he doesn't act like that. they usually just run off or act skittish and all and runs away from your hand..he runs to it and with a vengeance....so do you all still think he's just in need of getting fixed, or does anyone else have any insight? we are confused and saddened that he has changed so abruptly....im pretty sure he's past five months old by far, seeing we got him from the fair in mid june and he i believe is at his adult size and everything. thanks..
I've seen this with Rex rabbits. I hate to say it, but he's got a personality disorder that you can't fix. Even having him neutered may not solve your problems.

Some rabbits just have nasty dispositions, and it appears he's one.

Just out of curiosity... do you allow other animals in the same area? He can smell them, and may be afraid. A male, even a young one will attempt to defend his territory. I'm thinking cats, dogs, etc as he would think those are predators.

Handling him with gloves is a good idea. I have scars from rabbit bites. One buck bit me and drew blood through two sweatshirts... all I was doing was giving him a doe... and that was the last doe he ever saw.

As far as him freezing and his eyes bugging out... he's totally frightened... Perhaps putting him into a quiet, dimly-lit area would help. Could you put a cover over his cage?

If these ideas don't work, call the person you got him from and see if you can return him for an exchange. A good breeder will work with you.
hi, thanks for responding...um...we did not get him from a breeder, but from the county fair back on june 22nd....

At the moment he is kept in the front room which is usually dim and not bright.....
as for other pets..yes there are 3 cats, although only two of them really roam the house and most times they aren't even in the room with him.....and even if they walk by he doesn't freeze up or seem terrified...

and how can you tell if its a personality disorder? just curious, sounds interesting...
By the way he's responding...

He's a buck.

Have you tried using him for breeding? He may have "raging hormones". Of course, he may also be a bit rough on any doe you'd give him... Be sure to put the doe in HIS CAGE.

If that doesn't calm him down, maybe put on a really heavy glove and see if he'll mount the glove. I know, it sounds just wierd... but it might help.

If you have some comfrey growing around, give him a bunch to eat... maybe he'll calm down. If not, then he's most likely just a mean animal, and really, for everyone's safety... he needs to be replaced.

As a former commercial breeder, I had zero tolerance for animals that had nasty dispositions. Rabbit bites as well as rabbit scratches are painful, and easily become infected... just not worth the risk.
Thanks so much for your advice....I guess the only option is to just replace him or get rid of him.....we haven't really given real consideration to, putting him in with the doe we have...who is a bigger breed the holland lop....she is nice and I wouldn't be afraid to put my hand in her cage to get her new feed/veggies/hay....I would just worry he might hurt her...and thats why we haven't considered putting them together and , or breeding them....We put a glove finger thru the cage and he big at it like kojo LOL....he was giving it the death bite lol....

Would it be wrong to set him free somewhere away from traffic and near a farm that has veggies? lol i don't know just an idea.
I answered on your other thread, where people suggested that you have him neutered. If you don't want to neuter him, then please locate a chapter of the House Rabbit Society or any other local rabbit rescue and ask them to take him. They will have him neutered and find him a new home. If you aren't willing to do that or there aren't any rescues in your area, then please have him euthanized humanely at the vet. It's cruel to turn a domesticated rabbit out into the wild. They just don't have the survival skills of a wild rabbit.
Seems like he is territorial, getting him neutered may calm him down alot!He may just be a mean buck, there is nothing you can do for him, I hope you can solve the problem, Megan:)
Where are you located? Maybe someone here would like to get him and try to work on his personality. Probably not, but it's worth a shot before you set him free. Or try advertising on Craigslist.

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