Raccoon Attack!!! Advice please

Okay I am really at a loss as to what to do next....His eyes are now both open, his wound is healing great, he stands and preens himself, stretches and yawns,walks.....but he still won't eat or drink on his own.....I beginning to wonder if he is just taking advantage of all this pampering :)
I've tried bringing another chicken in to see if they would eat together....nope. I tried using different bowls and feeders to try and peak his interest along with different feeds/foods and hard-boiled eggs.
My hubby says we are not going to have a house chicken but actually he is pretty tame and stays pretty much in the same area in front of the heater, and I have the area covered for easy clean-up. I don't dare try to take him outside right now because we are having freezing rain.
Does anybody have anymore ideas for me to try?

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