raccoon attack hens beak chewed off.

I highly doubt that her beak will grow back. Ex battery hens who have been debeaked don’t grow their beaks backs. I would advise against trimming her bottom beak as the beak is full of nerves and if you were to cut a portion away the pain would be akin to a person having their finger removed without anesthetic.
I highly doubt that her beak will grow back. Ex battery hens who have been debeaked don’t grow their beaks backs. I would advise against trimming her bottom beak as the beak is full of nerves and if you were to cut a portion away the pain would be akin to a person having their finger removed without anesthetic.
That is what I was thinking and what I have read. I do believe that she is going to lose part of the bottom beak. It is black just like the top part that came off.
And finally she is at the point of eating on her own. Might not be pretty but she is getting the hang of it.

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