Raccoon in broad daylight.....IN MY COOP!!!!!


10 Years
Nov 6, 2009
This morning, well not really morning, around 11:30, I walked out to the coop to check on the girls. When i got near the coop, they looked at me and started skwaking. "whats the matter Gladyss?" i said. Then out of the little chicken door pops out a raccon head. I JUMPED A MILE!!!!!! It came out, looked at the chickens then looked at me. I clapped and yelled to try to scare the thing and it ran back inside the coop. I grabbed the girls, and put them outside of the run. Now "is this thing rabbid" is playing over and over in my head. I go behind the coop and start shaking it. Then the little coon walked out, very casually, walked out the gate, and into the woods. It was a smallish raccoon, not Gray, but brown. This is the first "wild animal" I've ever seen in my yard, so I was freakin out. Then, about five minutes ago, two raccons ran out of my neighbors yard, accross the street. Now mind you, I live in the city!!! Shouldn't these things like be afraid of People!!!!! And arn't they supposed to be nocturnal!!!!!!

Just figured I's share my story....

P.S. The chickens were not harmed, but the two eggs were nothing but splattered shells on the coop floor.
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Raccoons are opportunistic, they do come out mostly in the early morning or evening, but they're quite flexible. There are more and more animals like raccoons, opossums, fox and even coyotes that have adapted to city life, and their fear of humans is greatly diminished so no, if they're used to people they won't be all that scared. They may or may not be rabid, there's no way to tell, but it's not a sure thing either way.

This sounds like a group of teenagers roaming together, and the young ones are the most curious and haven't learned caution yet.

Now that this one learned about how yummy eggs are, I'd say you've got a problem. Since you do live in a city, call the dog warden, ask their advice, see if they'll set live traps or if you set them, will they come take any you capture away for you. It's usually illegal for YOU to relocate any wildlife that is caught in a trap, but that varies by location. (also, since they're habituated to humans, it would be a problem because you'd be giving others a big problem)
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Thanks for the advice. I know someone who has some cage trap thingies that i could barrow, so maybe i'll try to capture it, and call the wildlife department.
First, your cute little chicken running makes me tired
. Second, I agree they were probably youngsters checking their territory for an opportunity to get an easy meal. You were darn lucky they only ate the eggs and all three were not in your coop raising havoc. You will need to fortify your coop with 1/2 inch hardware cloth on the bottom 2-3 feet and either continue with it upwards or have a welded wire above it for protection. I also recommend covering it too as those critters will stop at nothing now they have a taste for eggs and possible chicken dinners.

If you trap these, new ones will take their place so get the going on fixing the "suit of armor" for your gals!
having delt with and have tons of experience in coons....it is a rarity to see a racoon during daylight hours, especially that late in the morning. Daylight makes racoons very fidigty and flighty..and they'd much rather sleep during the day and prowl at night. Yes, Racoons are rabies carriers, but if you see one later in the day like this, there is a very very good chance it's sick and is rabid.....I wouldn't waste time live trapping it.....but "disposing" of it would be the best method....as this racoon WILL be back since he found your coop.


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