Raccoon on top of my coop


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 13, 2014
We have a predator proof coop with a run that is very well constructed...except for the top...it is large and just covered with bird netting. We put our chickens & ducks in at night, well some nights we close the coop up later than others. Last night my husband went out to close the coop and a raccoon was on top of it! I'm so glad he got out there when he did, I know it could've been a matter of minutes before the coon jumped onto the netting and got through it and made a meal out of my birds. Anyway - we will definitely be closing the coop up at dark now but my question is, do you think we need to worry about this coon coming back during the day? Any ideas to keep him away??
If you have to shoot coons to prevent them from eating your chickens - there's going to be a time at some point where a coon shows up and you aren't there.

It's a good temporary workaround, but it doesn't fix the problem.
Agreed. Will not solve the overall problem permanently but it will solve the problem with that particular racoon and give you time to reenforce the coop/run. Because, if you just chase him off, he will be back: he knows there are tasty morsels in there.
Shooting the raccoon is probably warranted - but it's not going to fix the real issue - which is that the top of your coop isn't raccoon proof, right?

I'm a big fan of hotwire in these situations - a couple strings near the top of the coop/run will keep him from getting up top.
Will he come back is a moot point. When he comes back is probably a given.

I agree with both responses. A lead injection at high speed with anything above and including a 9mm dose will do the trick. If you are not into extreme prejudice in such situations, try a live, havaheart trap baited with marshmallows or cat food, but even that includes disposal of the captive raccoon with a dose of lead. Never relocate a problem for somebody else to deal with.

You got a break this time.
Daytime coons?...you betcha!!
Especially this time of year, they are waking up and are hungry!

Yesterday afternoon about 2pm...

I didn't wait to see if he could get into run (it has mesh roof but not real tight all over) but served him a lead lunch instead.
Lead poison works best! Specifically placed where it won't inject.....uhhh....I mean.... infect other backyard critters....

Yep, but as long as I was here and saw it right out the window....grabbed the camera, then the rifle, opened the window and it's a goner.
Coop is fort knox, run not so much..... was built mainly for deterring hawks (at which it excels) and to slow down anything else.

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