Raccoons and smelly traps.


11 Years
Aug 31, 2008
Humboldt County, CA
In my pursuit to trap the Lady Buffington-eating raccoon, I managed to nab a skunk. Needless to say, the trap REEKS. Will a raccoon still go in a stinky, skunky trap or will they stay away because of said smell? I've done just about as much hosing as one can do.. it's been a few days and the smell is still going strong.
Ouch. That stinks (sorry for the pun).

I was trying to get rid of our raccoon problem (three dispatched), and caught a young skunk. I couldn't convince my wife to get rid of it
so I used a long pole to open the trap (quick set) and let it walk away into the woods. In hindsight, I should have got the gun and shot it after it was well clear of the trap, but it has been a week now and have not seen it since.
If you boil the trap in a pot of boiling water, I was told by a trapper, it will not smell like skunk anymore.
there is a skunk "recipe" floating around online involving peroxide baking soda and dish detergent that will work much better for you
the peroxide mixture will work great, my dog got sprayed last night and used it and worked right away.
Raccoons will not avoid skunk odor. Coyotes will actually be attracted to it. Over years of trapping, I mix my skunky traps in with the rest and have never noticed a difference. The skunk might even mask some of the human scent making catching the targets easier. The best way to dispatch a skunk in a trap is to shoot it in the heart/lung area with a low vel. 22 such as a CB or subsonic. Head/spine shots will make them spray. The lung shot USUALLY will not.

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