Racoon got one of my boys ....

cajun chicken

Apr 6, 2015
Central City, LA
I have been growing out 3 heritage RIR cockerels to see which one I want to keep for spring breeding. One of them has been stubborn and wanting to roost outside the "fortress" as I call it. It's basically a bulletproof coop inside of a fenced run protected by electric fence. Well, this morning I found him dead with his head eaten off. I'm thinking coon. What do Y'all think? I set a trap with some tuna and marshmallows so we'll see what happens. They must be really smart because he figured out how to climb a 5 ft electrified fence LOL. I haven't had a problem since I installed the electric lines.....
It is likely a hawk! Sorry for your loss.
You can deter hawks by putting up old disks on string. But you learned your lesson- don't let the chickens be the dictator.

Thanks! I did see a hawk flying around this afternoon. I'll keep an eye out. Need to try the hanging CD's I read about them before.
We just lost a hen to a hawk a few weeks ago. (in louisiana, also) I have read when the other prey go deeper into the woods the hawks start to get a bit more aggressive towards backyard animals.
We just lost a hen to a hawk a few weeks ago. (in louisiana, also) I have read when the other prey go deeper into the woods the hawks start to get a bit more aggressive towards backyard animals.

What's crazy is I've never had a problem with predators other than dogs which was solved by the electric fence. Maybe the hawks food source is not good right now because of the cold.
Put carcass back out in location you found it, is still in possession. Look at carcass again in morning and provide pictures. Hawk will not work on carcass at night. Appearance of carcass can be used to distinguish between raccoon and owl.
Keep your survivors in for at least a week, or longer, until the hawk moves elsewhere. It won't hurt to put out a live trap or two, and eliminate any ground predators you catch.

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