
I have tried peanut butter. They're attracted but won't go into the trap. I've also tried marshmallows. It worked once... Tuna fish, wet cat food, canned chicken... I've tried a bunch of different baits but the live trap is mostly useless at this point.:barnie
Similar progression i went through. Try foothold traps next and you will catch a couple more.
Duke 0510 Duke Coon Trap, Pack of 2
When you get them make sure whatever you use as bait goes completely beneath the trigger on the inside. You'll see what I mean once you have them. You will also need to anchor the trap to something solid or in the ground so they don't run off. Set them as far away from your coop as possible where you think they're coming from.
We have outdoor cats, so the foot trap is out for my use. And another reason not to use poisons.
Like centra said those traps are fired by pulling on the trigger assembly within the tube. Cats can't manipulate their paws like a raccoon. No worries about cats. I have outdoor cats too. Plus use a sweet bait/lure, cats won't even be interested.
There's a lot of misinformation that gets passed around about traps. You can buy rubber padded foothold traps too that won't hurt a cat. The pan tension can be set a little stiffer to avoid lighter weight non target animals too.
Get a empty bottle sprayer use 2cups full of water 3 table spoons of the spicest pepper you can find (powdered) 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar) (fill rest with water) and spray the area where they get in.
When you get them make sure whatever you use as bait goes completely beneath the trigger on the inside. You'll see what I mean once you have them. You will also need to anchor the trap to something solid or in the ground so they don't run off. Set them as far away from your coop as possible where you think they're coming from.
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I bought anchors to go with the traps based on recommendations within the Amazon reviews. Thanks!!:highfive:

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