Rain barrel- How can I keep the water clean?

Oxine AH is also a good option. http://www.shagbarkbantams.com/oxine.htm

an excerpt as it pertains to drinking water quoted from the above article:
Oxine actually biodegrades to ordinary table salt. And it is so safe to use on livestock that it is actually approved for use in the drinking water of ‘organically grown’ animals. I use it myself at the rate of 7-15 drops per gallon of water in our stock tank of drinking water for our own sheep. It keeps the water impressively clear and algae free, while keeping down the biofilm ‘slime’ that tends to develop on the sides of the tank.

Oxine is used in many commercial operations in the automated drinking lines for poultry. It keeps the bacteria level down in the water lines, prevents biofilm from developing, and keeps the birds healthier by keeping down the pathogen level that could potentially travel form one bird to another. The side benefit for commercial growers is that Oxine makes the drinking water more palatable to the birds and therefore they drink more. This is especially important in layers, but can have a benefit in any operation since it also improves feed conversion.

I ordered mine from First State Vet: http://www.firststatevetsupply.com/store/index.php?cPath=53

also a fabulous disinfectant and works 200 times better than Clorox and is safe around and on animals.​
The apple cider vinegar that you are wanting is in the organic section of the grocery store. It has the "mother" in it. That's the good stuff that is lost when regular vinegar is pasturized and all. You can also put goldfish in your barrell to keep the water clean.

Hi, I know this is an old thread....I am a newbie to the forum. I know little about chicks but a fair bit about chemistry and food tech. You don't need special vinegar -- cheap acetic acid from Ebay is fine if you must use vinegar. Hypochlorite is the usual chemical - safe, used in foods and in sanitising water cheap. It breaks down to common salt, and not much, either. Cheapest source is usually a dairy agricultural supplier, in the UK -- probably also in the USA :)
Yup, veg oil is good as you say in very small quantities. Glycol is good, too, if the water is going to be used only for irrigation. Don't know about glycol on the birds....maybe someone could ask a vet next time the see one? Probably fine, as long as they don't drink it, or much of it.
Yeah I don't think you should give your chickens rain water. I just fill my 55 gallon rain barrels with fresh water and put a trashcan lid on it. That will prevent it from being a mosquito reservoir.

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