Raising Baby Chick's - In The Tropics


Oct 19, 2015
I dont see a way to create this thread one level higher... where i think it should be, "Raising Chickens in Tropical Climates". If an admin sees this and can create the topic that would be great! I did a search and didnt find anything, so if this already exists, please delete and point me in the right direction.

I feel from reading some older posts, there is a need for a discussiin dedicated to raising chickens in areas like Panamá, Costa Rica, etc.etc.

So the call goes out...From egg to plate (in whatever form that may be), share your insight, your succeses, your failures. Those of us living in the tropics are eager to gleen the much needed info from the experts others out there who have the knowledge.
Hi, maybe just creating a thread in the "where am I? Where are you?" With a title of "tropics" may be one way of providing a focal point for those in the tropics.

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