Raising Chicks inside a dresser


7 Years
Sep 18, 2012
If you want a good idea for a brooder for inside.. find an old or broken dresser. Gut it, cut off the legs, turn it on its back and voila! (of course this does not work with all dressers) Chicks really need more room than you often think. Over heating and crowding can take a toll on them. Usually I shut the heat vents in the room they are in also.

It was right for me as I have no ambition to craft something from scratch. Also I wanted something that *fitted* the house decor.. As silly as that sounds.
Thats cute! Too late for us this year I turned my old dresser into a play dress up wardrobe for my daughter! so many things you can do with an old dresser. You can take the drawers all out, take the fronts off and nail them back on expect the bottom and add roosting bars inside for a bantam rooster I saw before.

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