Raising Geese 101

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Hi all, we are new to geese as just got 2 ducklings and a gosling, although don't know what breed they are. We already have chickens. Anyways, I have a few questions. We currently have the waterfowl inside for
Right now, when can they be outside? What type of housing do they require? How much space do they need? What other tips and advice so y'all have to offer? Pictures of examples are much welcomed and appreciated as we tend to be visual learners.
Hi all, we are new to geese as just got 2 ducklings and a gosling, although don't know what breed they are. We already have chickens. Anyways, I have a few questions. We currently have the waterfowl inside for
Right now, when can they be outside? What type of housing do they require? How much space do they need? What other tips and advice so y'all have to offer? Pictures of examples are much welcomed and appreciated as we tend to be visual learners.
Welcome to the geese section

1. I have most of my goslings out by 4 weeks. However, I'm in Texas so it's pretty much always hot down here. I do usually give them a heat lamp for the first 2 weeks outside and any chilly days.

2. I would look at some of the stickies in the duck section. There's some great pictures of people's runs and coops. I believe I've even seen a few geese ones over there as well.

3. Geese love space and really appreciate having some greenery in their diet. I would try to incoporate some time for them to graze.
It's no problem at all. Yes, geese do much better with a companion. Sex probably won't be a problem now but later on ganders may try to breed the ducks.What breed of gosling do you have? Some breeds can be sexed fairly accurately by color when very young.
I've enjoyed reading this thread,lots of good info.I've had chickens for several years and I decided to branch out with some geese and ducks.I ordered a trio of African Geese along with some Cayuga ducks and a few turkeys.Can't wait for them to get here!
. Glad you enjoyed the thread. Congrats on deciding to try waterfowl! They are a lot of fun to have around and can be a great addition to the farm.
Great info! I'd like to get some ducklings and goslings to raise together, but am not sure how many geese are appropriate. If they prefer to be in mating pairs, should I just start with two, or is a larger flock okay? If larger, should I have two ganders or stick with just one?

Thanks for the info!

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