Raising Geese 101

Great info! I'd like to get some ducklings and goslings to raise together, but am not sure how many geese are appropriate. If they prefer to be in mating pairs, should I just start with two, or is a larger flock okay? If larger, should I have two ganders or stick with just one?

Thanks for the info!
If you're raising them together from babies I think they'll be okay either way. If you have enough females around you'll probably be fine with two ganders.
Kevin, we have a Cayuga duckling, a crested duckling and an Emden gosling
If I'm not mistaken Embdens can be sexed by down color as day olds. I've never had them before so I'm not 100 percent sure of that.
If you're raising them together from babies I think they'll be okay either way. If you have enough females around you'll probably be fine with two ganders.
If I'm not mistaken Embdens can be sexed by down color as day olds. I've never had them before so I'm not 100 percent sure of that.
It's true K, darker grey means female lighter grey gander.
Miss Lydia, I was Happy
to read your post. My DH gave me 5 Embden goslings for Mothers day, 3 dark grey and 2 light grey
Our first geese experience. I've been reading everything. We already have Ducks, 3 runners and 5 muscovy. Really enjoy Ducks..
Miss Lydia, I was Happy
to read your post. My DH gave me 5 Embden goslings for Mothers day, 3 dark grey and 2 light grey
Our first geese experience. I've been reading everything. We already have Ducks, 3 runners and 5 muscovy. Really enjoy Ducks..
You'll enjoy your Embdens too, Geese are just so neat. well until mating season then they act like hormonal nuts. especially the ganders. But I still love them. Please post pics when you can.
I have two Emden geese. I got them from the feed store last spring. I didn't even try to sex them. I figured nature would take its course. If I had two geese I would have goose eggs for breakfast, and if I had a goose and a gander then in time I would have babies. Turns out my goose (and my Peking duck) are setting on what appears to be at least 8 fertile eggs. Both the goose and the gander were very friendly until she went broody. Now feeding them and my two ducks living with them is a two person job. I will add pictures when the babies hatch out. Do I need to add a heat lamp to the coop when they hatch? Or will mom keep them warm enough?
My other question is can I keep a female or two from this clutch to breed next year with the gander I already have or do I need to bring in different lines to prevent problems?
I have two Emden geese. I got them from the feed store last spring. I didn't even try to sex them. I figured nature would take its course. If I had two geese I would have goose eggs for breakfast, and if I had a goose and a gander then in time I would have babies. Turns out my goose (and my Peking duck) are setting on what appears to be at least 8 fertile eggs. Both the goose and the gander were very friendly until she went broody. Now feeding them and my two ducks living with them is a two person job. I will add pictures when the babies hatch out. Do I need to add a heat lamp to the coop when they hatch? Or will mom keep them warm enough?
That's very common. Once breeding season is over they'll probably return back to their friendly demeanor. If the coop is draft free the mother will most likely be able to keep them warm enough on her own.
My other question is can I keep a female or two from this clutch to breed next year with the gander I already have or do I need to bring in different lines to prevent problems?
You shouldn't have any problems breeding father to daughter.
This was the coolest information I have read and the follow up threads - awesome. I have one goose that the feed store talking me into getting her when I went and bought chics. Last one and they really just about gave it to me. I am not sure what breed she is cuz the guy didn't know. She is looosing all her baby feathers and really growing like a weed. I just love her but she seems to scream quite a bit when I go in the pen. I have had her for about two months. She puts her head in the fence and sounds really scared. Is this normal? Will that change? I have her a large dog house for her to stay in and she hates when I go to put her in it for the night. Is that normal? Notice I do not have a clue what "normal" is. I have a baby pool for her to play in also. I figured she has what she needs. Ok give me some feedback so "Dolly" (her name) will be a happy camper. I'll get a new pic so we can figure out what she is.



PS - I plan on getting another I think.
This is my I think now about 2 mouth old gosling. I've been raising her/him with my Muscovy ducklings and they have been getting along great!! I don't want to breed it so I was wondering if it will be fine living with the Muscovy's and not having one of its kind? If its a female I'd be happy to get it a goose friend but will if be fine without a mate?
Thanks in advance!! :)

This is my I think now about 2 mouth old gosling. I've been raising her/him with my Muscovy ducklings and they have been getting along great!! I don't want to breed it so I was wondering if it will be fine living with the Muscovy's and not having one of its kind? If its a female I'd be happy to get it a goose friend but will if be fine without a mate?
Thanks in advance!!

My goose[gander] was actually hatched by a Muscovy duck. and lived and mated with them for over 5 years till I finally got him a mate this past August. He was a very happy boy. But since he now has a goose of his very own I can say he is even happier. But if you decide to leave it like it is and not get another goose he'll be fine, unless you have drakes. My gander and my old Muscovy drake would get into some dozy of fights when they were younger. I finally had to separate them. now they keep their distance from each other.

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