Raising Geese 101

Geese have an average body temperature of at least 104F, a thick down coat, and a unique circulatory system designed to provide excellent blood flow to extremities. They are more comfortable in cold weather than in warm weather.

Safety from predators is a completely different issue.
Thanks. This is my first goose. Besides learning from here I have no idea whats the scoop. I do know I like having her and do the best to make her comfortable. Thanks again.
So you don't put yours up every night? Look your temp is way too cold for me but we have just had a freeze temp. I put her up each night in her lil house. She hates it and cries too. Sounds sad but I was sure that she would be warmer AND nothing would eat her. Is it ok to leave her out like that? Well it seems like it reading from what you wrote. 40 below ! OMG ! Life below Zero TV show is as close as I'll ever get to that.
Do you only have one goose? If so she is better off being penned up for the night because being only one. They can not fend them self from predators
by their self if there is a flock they can do much better.
Geese a sociable not a solitary bird at least you have a mirror for
your goose or some sort of friend I would hope ......
I have one old lady we call Mamma she is 14 yrs old and 8 other
Geese and when she was the only one in the yard after some
hungry meth kids past the yard she was out of her mind till we
got her some friends and for the last 10 yrs all of them are
inseparable as a gaggle even with predators around they stay
together it is great to watch and even if they do not attack the
bobcats and fox I find them at night as I walk the Geese around
the yard and if they stay away from an area or wont enter a
certain corner of the yard I know I can turn on the spot light and
9 times out of 10 I have a predator to hang on the fence till
the morning when I can finish taking out the trash .....
P.S. Best pets yet ....

I live in Kelso, WA, about an hour above Portland, OR. I have 4 ducks and an Embden Goose. This week has gotten down into the teens and the last week and a half the grass has been frosty until it warms up a bit in the morning. I am "assuming" (never a good thing...) that my grass has gone dormant since it is no longer growing. What else do I feed my goose besides Flock Raiser? She gets a daily treat that she shares with the ducks on a platter with plain yogurt, whole grain oats, cut up tomatoes and kale. They also usually get quite a few handfuls of thawed peas daily. No one seems to be the worse for wear but I believe my Goose is the grass eater so I worry that I should be supplementing other food as well. They also get a handful of cracked corn mixed into their feed at night to boost body heat production through the long cold night. I have a wonderful list of things I can and can't feed my ducks but have yet to find as comprehensive a list for my goose. And again, should I be adding anything special to the goose's diet now that my grass is no longer growing. They free range in my backyard all day; it is quite large but again, are they getting any nutrition out of it? The ducks are way more interested in what is under the grass than the grass itself. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I ALWAYS learn new and wonderful things on this site!
Thanks in advance to any replies!!!
Sounds like you are taking good care of your Goose, I live in the Southern part of Death Valley
California now and my Geese still thrive in the high heat and low cold as it was 22 F this
morning and come sun up I let them out of the shed and off and running to the water to brake
the top layer of ice by stomping till they get liquid water as Geese like the cold more then the
heat but the food you give them sounds great I give my Geese much the same and alpha
and not a lot as one bundle will last about three months for nine Geese but the other thing
I do is give them some rice and not uncle bens just the regular 15 pound bag of rice and for
every one cup of rice I put one and a half cups of water and time to time a little butter milk
in to the rice and let it cook after it looks good I let it cool and serve ....The rice should be
dry so as not to get caught in going down do to greed and if dry it falls apart and takes more
time to eat and every little bit will be gone in no time but as my grandpa use to say to each
his/her own ........
Awww man I only have one. She is my bud. I guess I have to get another. I like hearing stories about the geese. I really like this one and we have hang out but ya know I feel bad I haven't gotten her another friend. What is the area required for two? If you look at my pictures you will see where she stays. I am expanding the fenced yard now for the goose or geese to have more area. Also for my chekcns to raom. I'll have it all gated. LOL. A gated community for my animals. Lol.Oh do I get a baby or a year old or what to add with her? Any issues I need to be aware of? Where do I put a mirror anyway? On the fence?
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When you talk about the rice dry what do you mean? After it cooks it is wet huh? Moist I mean. I never thought of that which I will do for my goose. I cook rice all the time.

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