Raising Geese 101

Alright you are correct I should have taken some time to explain about
the merrier and its placing number one get an old mirror no need to get
a new one and place it so as no kids can get to it but your goose can
see its self and if you watch your goose will act like a caged bird and
just look at itself ... And yes the fence will work just fine .....
If you look at Craigs list you might find one near you or in the spring
get a gosling to the breed you want but remember baby's are very
much irritating much like a puppy in the house.... Goslings like to peck
and the adults will put up with this to a point but one hit can do damage
so put it near in a cage for the older Goose will get use to seeing the
new addition and let the little one get to three months old before
letting them stay together full time ..............
Alright the rice when I say dry some people use two or three cups
of water to one cup of rice and this is more like glue so when I am
saying dry where if you pick it up it tends to fall apart ..........

gander 007. Thank you Thank you Thank you. Great info and I'm mirror hanging today. Love my Dolly so whatever I can do to make her happy makes me happy.
Oh my goodness! My hatchery African (?) decided yesterday to stay on her nest, ugh. I did catch the gander mounting her (along with the silly drake trying, and failing, to join in) a few days ago. They are only 9m old. I can't imagine the eggs are fertile and this time of year seems like a bad time to have goslings if they are. I didn't expect eggs until spring but she's laid more than 2dz now. Do you have to break broodiness like with a hen? Opinions please!!!
Ok so I am new to owning geese and this has helped a lot! One question!! How long can the gander fertilize? I know chickens sperm can fertilize eggs up to a month but what about geese???!!!!! I have a female buff who laid her first egg today but I lost my male a few weeks ago:( I want to know if there's a chance of the egg being fertile! I don't want to crack any open since I don't have a make to fertilize more!
Ok so I am new to owning geese and this has helped a lot! One question!! How long can the gander fertilize? I know chickens sperm can fertilize eggs up to a month but what about geese???!!!!! I have a female buff who laid her first egg today but I lost my male a few weeks ago:( I want to know if there's a chance of the egg being fertile! I don't want to crack any open since I don't have a make to fertilize more!

I would put them in to the incubator till I got nothing and you just
might luck out with a dozen or so fertile egg's ... Best of luck
Ok so I am new to owning geese and this has helped a lot! One question!! How long can the gander fertilize? I know chickens sperm can fertilize eggs up to a month but what about geese???!!!!! I have a female buff who laid her first egg today but I lost my male a few weeks ago:( I want to know if there's a chance of the egg being fertile! I don't want to crack any open since I don't have a make to fertilize more!
Hi CK. Shame about your gander. After a few weeks, I´d say there was very little chance of them being fertile, but you never know! You´ll be able to tell after 4 days or so in the incubator, so why not have a go......you just lose out on a few omelettes!
Oh my goodness! My hatchery African (?) decided yesterday to stay on her nest, ugh. I did catch the gander mounting her (along with the silly drake trying, and failing, to join in) a few days ago. They are only 9m old. I can't imagine the eggs are fertile and this time of year seems like a bad time to have goslings if they are. I didn't expect eggs until spring but she's laid more than 2dz now. Do you have to break broodiness like with a hen? Opinions please!!!

Breaking broodiness is similar to breaking a hen from it.
Ok so I am new to owning geese and this has helped a lot! One question!! How long can the gander fertilize? I know chickens sperm can fertilize eggs up to a month but what about geese???!!!!! I have a female buff who laid her first egg today but I lost my male a few weeks ago:( I want to know if there's a chance of the egg being fertile! I don't want to crack any open since I don't have a make to fertilize more!
I also say go for it. There's several factors involved for fertility but I have heard of cases of eggs being fertile weeks after a male has passed.
Breaking broodiness is similar to breaking a hen from it.
I´ve found it to be much more difficult than a chicken. I´ve only done it with one goose, and actually it wasn´t me that managed it..she did it on her own when she was ready. Separation, etc, would have been a very stressful thing for her, and trying to keep her away from the nesting site didn´t work, she just made another nest right next to the original place....and then next to that, then next to that, etc...she finally came off her empty patch when her sister hatched some goslings and she decided to adopt them!

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