Raising Geese 101

We have raised chickens before and are currently raising. Recently we have added ducks and have ordered 5 Toulouse geese to start raising geese. My daughter wants to raise rabbits. The seller that we found a good price for rabbits also has 3 Grey Chines Swan geese. So I am wondering should I pick up these geese too? I do not know what the perfect number is or how many is too much. We have an acre and a quarter. Thanks for any advice!
BUY THEM THERE IS NEVER WNY LIMIT also i have over 60 birds in my barn including geese ducks chickens and oeacocks so no limit
Thanks for the advice. When we got down there it was actually African grey geese that he had (which I suspected) but we got one (unfortunately 1 is all that was left when we got there). My kids play with her (or him) everyday. Our ducks love him (or her) too! Our Toulouse geese should be here Friday so this goose will have other geese playmates soon!
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Thank you for the photo's-we thought we bought African goslings but by the pictures posted it looks like our geese are Chineese! I am concerned however as my largest male declared his possession of me suddenly yesterday. He left the other 3 to follow me around- hiss and bite the dogs and acted like a lovesick puppy when I went in the house. Do I need to do anything differently or change my behaviour?
Thanks for the advice. When we got down there it was actually African grey geese that he had (which I suspected) but we got one (unfortunately 1 is all that was left when we got there). My kids play with her (or him) everyday. Our ducks love him (or her) too! Our Toulouse geese should be here Friday so this goose will have other geese playmates soon!


Pics we need pics
Can you house Toulouse geese and African grey geese together. I have one African Grey and having a hard time buying another. I have found Toulouse for sale nearby.
Can you house Toulouse geese and African grey geese together. I have one African Grey and having a hard time buying another. I have found Toulouse for sale nearby.
Easy answer...yes. Just be sure to give them time to adjust to one another before trying to pen/house them unattended. Is your Grey male or female. It doesn't really matter all that much unless you wanted to breed pure stock. Two males should get along just fine and may bond as best of brothers so long as there are no females to compete over. Wish I could find Toulouse for sale in my area. I need a gander to go with one of my females.

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