Raising Guinea Fowl 101

when my flock was going strong I had five male Guineas and about thirty Chickens. Being an older bachelor flock of Guineas made them mellow fellows....

Once females are added the flock dynamics changed. Though I have almost 20 acres. I also Did like most do.... Several feeding and watering stations roost arrangements in the coop that didnt invite sqabbling. Guineas up about eight feet Chickens at around four to five feet.

though I had a few intrepid Bantam crosses who whould Roost up with the "Bad Boy Group".....
My guineas loved to just charge into my small flock of chickens while I was feeding them. Really scared the chickens. My small crossbred bantam hen got fed up and she confronted the male Guinea with obvious intent to have a go at him (she had chicks). Male Guinea grabbed her neck and then twisted. A few feathers flew, but I was relieved that there was no bad damage done. Guineas went into their own pen. NO more with the chickens.
When I first got them I put them in with the chickens. When they went to roost there was great disturbance. Some chickens moved to another roost.
Just not worth it.
The female would not want to nest in a community coop. She would need privacy.
I had some Lavender Guineas some years ago. They were very calm. She layed in the hens' nest baskets and never went broody. I hatched them in an incubator and sold many young guineas.
THis pair are the original color and not too domesticated. Male could jump a 5 foot fence even with both wings (primaries) clipped.
In future no guineas at my place and no geese either. The gander hated hens with small chicks and would attack them with murder in mind. I had to confine him whenever I left home for an hour or so. Male and female geese, 6 large goslings and 11 eggs all left here on Monday. A bit sad, but a relief.
I had read that a hen will hatch a few keets then get distracted by them and leave the nest. My question is as the keets hatch, can i take them away and put them in a brooder so she will not be chasing them? Thanks ahead! sharonap
I had read that a hen will hatch a few keets then get distracted by them and leave the nest. My question is as the keets hatch, can i take them away and put them in a brooder so she will not be chasing them? Thanks ahead! sharonap

Yes you can attempt to do that but don't be surprised if she abandons the nest because of your interference. Every case is different and it may or may not work for you.

Good luck.
Maybe I've just been extra lucky but all of my Guinea hens have been great mothers and not abandoned any chicks. In fact, if any of the keets wander off or gets misplaced and starts to peep, the hens go above and beyond to hunt down the missing keet. In fact, I've had 2 Guineas that were laying on eggs take newly hatched keets out of the incubator and take care of them with no problems. If you do try and take them away from the hens, just be warned, they are fiercely protective of the keets. Mine go in to attack mode whenever I've tried to take any away to sell.
Maybe I've just been extra lucky but all of my Guinea hens have been great mothers and not abandoned any chicks. In fact, if any of the keets wander off or gets misplaced and starts to peep, the hens go above and beyond to hunt down the missing keet. In fact, I've had 2 Guineas that were laying on eggs take newly hatched keets out of the incubator and take care of them with no problems. If you do try and take them away from the hens, just be warned, they are fiercely protective of the keets. Mine go in to attack mode whenever I've tried to take any away to sell.
oh yes they are. lol. Like a little rattlesnake with that head darting at you! I have a hen fly at me before just for walking into the coop.

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