Raising Meat Rabbits

I haven't but its nice that raising meat rabbits is becoming less taboo.
My family and I have been raising rabbits for the last year. I have found it to be a very rewarding experience. Thanks for that great article about rabbits. Here are my kits:

The little naked kits are from my rabbit Daisy, born today. The older kits are from my rabbit, Oreo, and they are 2 weeks old. We also have 6 kits that are 5 weeks old that are from another source because we lost a litter recently.
I have Florida Whites and New Zealands coming this summer. 5 in all.
We are starting to build the hutches. Are raising them to eat.
What dimensions do I need for each rabbit. In the house, wire hutch, etc.?
How tall do tney need to be? Is it necessary to have a 2 level hutch with
a ramp between levels? We are thinking of using wood with a drop tray
Great book : " How To Build Pet Housing" . Author has detailed measured
drawings and materials lists for several kinds of houses, coops, hutches.
He says he hopes someone will take them and make a busiess out of them.
The rabbit hitch is an almost identical twin of the Chick-N-Hutch. So if you
would rather make your own, here it is. A great little book.

I have the 1975 1st edition. There is a 1978 revised edition, go after that.

15 copies available for under 5.00, most under 1.00 .

Thanks so much for your help!
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Probably the best thing I did was go to hanging cages over dirt. So much cleaner. I have Am Chins and all my cages ate either 30 x 30 or 24 x 36.
My grow out pens are large and portable however
Has anyone had a liter 4 out of six born without arms??? What causes this and how can it be prevented? Untop of that, the two that did have arms, she ate one arm off one and the other was just a stillborn. Is this something in the feed or something I should be worried about? Please help :O
Our red doe has 7 1 wk old kits. I know she lost at least one as I found it mummified in the bottom YUCK! I wanted to clean her cage and worked the courage to count and check on all the kits today! She is a great momma =)
Took a video of my 12 day old New Zealand Reds first exploration out of the nest box.
Probably the best thing I did was go to hanging cages over dirt. So much cleaner. I have Am Chins and all my cages ate either 30 x 30 or 24 x 36.
My grow out pens are large and portable however

I agree..my cages are over dirt in common run area..i have a duck cage in there chicken runs open into it..my rabbit cages are 5 feet from my fenced garden, 8 months a years I just open the fence and rake everyone's poo right into the garden to be tilled into the dirt in the spring.....

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