Raising our New Zealand Meat Rabbits *Start to finish - Birth to processing* Possible Graphic pics*

Thank you! The bottom pic was before I cleaned the nestbox out, the top pic is after. I went to check them and they are all covered pretty well with fur and straw so Im going to leave them be for now, it was a pleasant surprise for us all so we are a bit shell-shocked and probably being overly concerned. Thanks again!
I was taught another way how to post photos so here we are. Two are grey in color (looks like they will have some white patches) one is brown in color and one is darker still. Very different colors and colorations than the previous batch we had. So interesting to witness what is created! I'm always amazed at the miracle of life whether human, animal or even in the garden! Question: mom bunny seems to be leaving a lot of bunny pellets in the nest box. I'm taking them out on a daily basis. She doesn't seem to be urinating in the box. Is it ok to just be removing the pellets or should I be changing out the contents of the box? I figure in nature, there wouldn't be anyone to clean out the burrow so ...:confused:
Adorable! :love they look fat and happy :D I would clean out most I know that the kits eat moms poo because it gives them the microbes and whatnot for good digestion (anyone can correct me if I'm wrong). Your doing a phenomenal job though!
Thank you! The bottom pic was before I cleaned the nestbox out, the top pic is after. I went to check them and they are all covered pretty well with fur and straw so Im going to leave them be for now, it was a pleasant surprise for us all so we are a bit shell-shocked and probably being overly concerned. Thanks again!

Cute kits! Yes I would leave them be. As long as there is no drafts I think they should be fine
Here is an update of our 7 week old mutts. They are so fun. Our doe had 8 on her first kindling and all have survived to this point. 3 REW, 2 black and white, 1 peach (?) and white and the other looks lie a muted californian mix. I believe we have 6 females and 2 males. Ooops, almost forgot the other. I have no idea how to identify the color. It's the one with blue eye

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Here is an update of our 7 week old mutts. They are so fun. Our doe had 8 on her first kindling and all have survived to this point. 3 REW, 2 black and white, 1 peach (?) and white and the other looks lie a muted californian mix. I believe we have 6 females and 2 males. Ooops, almost forgot the other. I have no idea how to identify the color. It's the one with blue eye
I :love bunnies. They are soooo cute!
Update on the babies! Moved them into the garage, we have been getting all our winter weather in one week so I didn't want to risk losing any. All 6 are fat and happy! Pretty sure they are chinchilla/Flemish rex mixes at least that's what mom and possible dad are.

OMG those back feet look huge.

Question: If anyone posts their rabbits for sale, what resources do you use. I have let people know via word of mouth, I have posted on craigslist and also on my AZ chicken forum. I'm not sure what other direction to go. Your feedback is appreciated. My intention is raising them for our meat but some of my family members have become attached to our first batch and now want them to have a chance to go to someones home instead of our freezer. I have them listed for 20 each and will negotiate if multiples are purchased. I have seen ads for rabbits of all ages and anywhere from people giving them away for free and up to 75 for the more show quality rabbits. (some guy offered me 20 for 3 rabbits - no thanks)
We have a rabbit trader facebook page for my metroplex, check your area and see if you have one.
My does kindled over the weekend. Had 2 that kindled. Here is a pic of one litter. She had 9 and when i went out tonight to do a thorough check I seen what looked to be a broken blue and a solid blue! So excited! My other doe had 8 kits


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