Ran out of chick starter! Can I feed layer/scratch mix???


Apr 6, 2016
I ran out of chick starter and won't be able to purchase any more for another 10 days. I'm wondering if I could feed them a mix of the layer I give my big girls, and the 5 grain scratch I have. By "feed" I mean, allow them access too with out any chick starter present, since both were accessible to them and I'm sure in imitating Mama they ate some layer pellets she broke up for them.

They are 2-week old chicks being raised by a hen, who has been a great mama so far. They have access to compost, dirt, leaves, a couple tree stumps (bugs, bugs. bugs!) and I give them lots of edible yard trimmings (lamb's quarters, dandelion, herb clippings, radish greens, safflower sprouts from the bird feeder). I've also got barley, wheat and sunflower fodder going and I daily toss in our kitchen scraps (stale cereals, oats, carrot peels, wilted lettuce, etc).

Think they'll be ok until I can get some more starter? I'm thinking with such a wide variety, they should be fine since they aren't eating layer pellets exclusively. THoughts???
The problem is layer is to high in calcium and to lose in protein. ....using scratch to try to water down the calcium will only further dilute the protein, making matters worse, not better.
If you must, feed the layer and add protein rich things to bump the protein. ...a few days of excess calcium is not optimal, but won't be the ends of the world..get appropriate feed sooner, rather than later. ....is there anyone you know who might be able to lend you some chick feed until you are able to get your own?
Layer pellets have way too much calcium for chicks that aren't laying.
Yes, that I know. But they are not getting 100% layer pellets. Maybe 1/4 of what they are eating right now is the commercial feed of any kind... I'm wondering if that's ok just for a few days or if I should beg off some starter from a friend until next pay cycle!
The problem is layer is to high in calcium and to lose in protein. ....using scratch to try to water down the calcium will only further dilute the protein, making matters worse, not better.
If you must, feed the layer and add protein rich things to bump the protein. ...a few days of excess calcium is not optimal, but won't be the ends of the world..get appropriate feed sooner, rather than later. ....is there anyone you know who might be able to lend you some chick feed until you are able to get your own?
Yes, lots of worms, hard boiled egg, and beg a bucket of starter from a friend!

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