Random shots of our five girls (photo heavy)


Chicken Convert
9 Years
Apr 6, 2010
Anniston, AL
Just a few shots taken over the last few days. Our original three.....Kiev (Light Brahma), Pot Pie (Buff Orpington), and Cordon Bleu (Easter Egger)....have been out in the coop for a week now. We've let them out for 'supervised' visits into the run, and they enjoy the heck out of that. So many things to scratch and peck at! Of course, I've been collecting worms and grubs and a little bit of everything else while working on the run, so they've had quite a number of treats.
Oh, and there wasn't any trouble at all getting them to roost at night. It took us one or two times of physically placing them on the roost for them to get the idea.
We put two chairs in the run so we can sit and enjoy their antics....much better than watching a movie!

And just for comparison, this is a shot of the three girls three days after we first got them....

And now.....chickens in the run!


So far, Bleu is the one that like to explore heights....


Kiev eyeballing a grub...

And Pot Pie running off with it!

These are the Welsummer chicks, and are about a month old. We still have them inside in the brooder, but plan on introducing them to the other girls in a separated area of the run this weekend. Just for visits, mind you....they'll still be in the house for a few more weeks.

Noodle on the left, Tender on the right....I think. These ladies are sometimes hard to tell apart!

A few shots of Tender:



And a few shots of Noodle:



Still can't believe how quickly they grow!
your chickens are lovely and i can tell they are gonna have a great time at your house , you think they are just chickens but they really grow on you with their own little personalities x
LOVE pot pie lol
Thanks, all!

I know this board is full of photos...but I couldn't resist showing ours off, too. Always enjoy seeing everyone's little ones growing!

They really do have personalities. I never would have imagined. I know I keep saying that, but chikens really are amazing creatures!
I feel exactly the same way. I shouldn't have been surprised, but I was. Many years ago, one of my husbands expressed surprise that each of our cats had its own personality. Well, of course they do, silly! He'd never had cats until he married me.... he knew DOGS were different, but cats???

So, many years later, (eons after another divorce), I get chickens, never expecting POULTRY to have individual personalities. Go figure. Of course they do!!!! Surprising that *I* was surprised by that. (She said, trying not to sound so terribly enlightened and superior.)

You have some great chickens to admire and appreciate.

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