Random shots of our five girls (photo heavy)

Don't you just love the personalities!?! Mine follow me around the yard, to the mailbox and back, and I have one that does a little squatting dance kind of thing every time I go to pick her up and then she puts her head under my chin and nuzzles up to me. They really are sweet! You have beautiful birds! Give them some crickets.....then you'll really get a good laugh!
cute chicks! thanks for sharing!
Thank you all!

The personalities are definitely developing in these three. Pot Pie is stand-offish, Bleu is the curious one, and Kiev is the slightly-daft but loving one. I spend time in the run with them most nights, and while they don't exactly cuddle-up all the time, they do come over to see if I have any treats every now and again.

The close-up shots of the little ones surprised me, too. I didn't think they'd hold still long enough for me to get clear shots. I think they were mesmerized by the shiny camera!

We haven't given them crickets in the run yet, but they had them in the brooder...and hilarity ensued. They've gotten worms and grass in the run, and watching keep-away where they have more room to move leads to tear-inducing laughter.
The girls have indeed made themselves at home. They have figured out the ramp, and figured out that the coop is where they sleep. They all come tumbling out in the morning when I open the pop door, and up until last night, they went right back up it with a little help. Last night was an experiment....we wanted to see if they'd go into the coop and roost when it got dark. Turns out it was a successful experiment! We went out to "tuck them in" to find all three up on the roost. That made us happy.

Few more shots of the girls. Kiev and Bleu found the perfect spot for dust baths. Pot Pie was a little busy pecking at things, so she didn't join them.


Crickets are a big hit with the girls. We began with feeding a few to them when they were still in the brooder, and we kept the crickets in a hermit crab cage. The girls learned that the cage contained treats....
So, when you combine the cricket cage:

With three eating machines:


You get high hilarity for several minutes. I did get a video of the carnage, and as soon as I figure out how to upload it, I'll post it. They went through about 10-15 crickets in less than two minutes!

This shot turned out pretty good, so I'll share. This is Kiev....out Light Brahma that seems to be at the top of the pecking order. She's getting huge!

I also managed to catch all three through the stairs when I was taking pictures of the coop.
Jen4, I know what you mean. We spend a lot of time in the coop with them, and always enjoy their antics.

Few pictures from tonight....

The girls gathered around the water cooler....gossiping, no doubt.

At the top of the ladder in the run. Pot Pie (the BO) had a wee bit of trouble. She got up as high as she could go and wasn't able to stand up completely!


Closeups of each of the older girls....they really are growing fast and turning into very lovely ladies!


Pot Pie

And Cordon Bleu

I love the way her feathering is coming out around her neck and face!

We also put the Wellies on the tall roost to show them off.



And a final shot of "the usual suspects"....

This is a shot of all five girls on their roost about an hour ago! (please forgive the condition of the roost bar)

It was a wee bit of a rough week, but while the Wellies aren't *quite* part of the flock yet, they are getting there. The original three aren't bothering them as much....I haven't seen any serious pecking in several days. We had the Wellies in a "see but don't touch" coop and run of their own for about a week:

We let them have free run of the main coop as of last Sunday, and gave them plenty of places to hide if they needed to. Once they were out, it only took two nights of us putting them into the main coop at night before they figured it out, too!

Enough rambling....more photos from this evening.

All five together, and no one's chasing anyone else!


Kiev eyeballing me.

Kiev eyeballing my sandal.

And....Kiev eyeballing my coffee.

It seems to have been a trend tonight.....

Pot Pie is turning into a beauty!

She likes playing hide-and-seek.....or maybe she's just tired of the paparazzi....

Bleu is also turning into quite the looker. I caught her post fluff-up. Wish I had been a bit quicker on the button!

The Wellies about town.



And a last shot because I like the way it turned out.

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