Random Stuff About Things

Haha, it was 9:something here and the rest of the fam. was in bed.

XD hi! I like steak
and spegetti
and burritos
and sandwiches

But most of all I like dirt bikes and four wheelers and loud country music like That's Love or Rain is a Good Thing or Bait a Hook or Backwoods. XD

What animals do you have @Fluffers ?
I have 5 chickens,2 ducks,(not including the wild ducks that visit) and 1 cat :)
I remember years ago, that when I was walking I met someone with a Portuguese Water Dog - really neat full grown dog and THAT was well before the White House person got one. Also a big surprise after ' he' said they wanted to adopt a special needs rescue dog.

The dog was really beautiful and I knew right off it wasn't a Poodle, so I had asked if it was a PWD. I also once saw a lady walking an Anatolian
and was surprised I was right about that also.

Used to show dogs, and work for a dog handler etc. but was 'out of it' before any of these breeds were introduced. Nowadays I'm lucky if I can remember my name.

I should mention I used to walk through several suburbs in a day - mostly well heeled areas so had the chance to meet breeds no one had 'back home. It was always a thrill.

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