Rangers almost 12 weeks barely 3#


Aug 4, 2021
I think we've had too many birds together, some have been 3 pounds after slaughter while some are 2.5 or smaller. We separated them now but what can I do to fatten them fast? We have some that are barely 2 pounds live weight. I've already had them go 12 weeks, need some guidance, thank you
What have you been feeding them???

and Cx are usually fattened up on a high protein high fat feed for slaughter. Over the course of their development, the protein content goes down, while the fat content goes up (usually via additonal corn).
We were just feeding them the boiler chicken feed from our local feed store. But I think I had too many grouped in an area, we had 35, I divided them in half. I have recently began feeding them the higher protein game bird feed.
Something defintiely happened. Either a breed mix up or a evironmental/nutritional deficiency. Rangers are generally in the 3.5-6# range at 12 weeks. Hard to say what happened, but unfortunately they probably won't get too much bigger unless you keep them (feed them) for several more months, and then again, it's still a toss up whether they will grow out or not. For a longer growout, the meat certainly wouldnt be as tender as it would be if you butchered at 12 weeks.
I will post photos soon but I think the problem was all 35 were being fed from the same big feeder, since Sunday I have separated them for feeding and I can already see a growth difference, my smaller ones seem to have fattened up and my ones closer to 5 pounds live weight finally have that deeper breasted finished look. They also probably didn't have enough area to range due to my having limited chicken wire, the rest of our 2 acres is hog wired and we have a problem with chickens wandering and getting eaten so I think next year I need to expand their foraging area.I ordered them from Freedom Hatchery. I also added scratch grains to their nature wise meat chicken feed!

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