Rare Chick from Murray McMurray Hatchery Probability

My exotic chick that I received on August 7th is a Silver Spangled Hamburg.

I still have a Cuckoo Marans roo from MM that is 4.5 years old. He is the best and most gentle rooster, even to the hens. He has been attacked by a dog so he lost his tail feathers a long time ago and his comb is not very pretty due to the numerous battles with our MEAN Welsummer roo, but I couldn't ask for a better roo than BBQ (his name)...he is even coaching the 7 week olds while the other adults will peck at them.

That very very black chick you describe sounds like one of the Black Star's I ordered. They look like little crows with their black beaks and legs. This one has a tiny bit of white on her chest. She is one day old.

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The Extra chick I got was a Dominique and I am sure because of the pattern at 3 weeks old. Also I hatched 12 more under my 2 Cochin bantams and we had a perfect hatch rate. But anyway they all get along because they are all different. Now I have to find out if the Dominique is a boy or girl.
Those extra chicks are always fun. How big is he compared to the orps? They also have black minorcas which are pretty big tall birds, bigger than the andys.
Wow, I spaced out on this one! What a delayed reaction, huh? (Still learning to use that "subscription" dealio.) The orps & mystery chick are about six weeks old now. The orpingtons are bigger, but the black chick is long-legged and tall. My daughter named him Crow. He has dark colored, blueish legs also. I say "he" because I assume that a free chick must be a male, but Crow's comb hasn't reddened any so far, so "he" may be a girl. I'm still leaning toward Blue Andalusian on this one. I'll have to post some pics.


Look at the bottoms of the feet (I copied this from a BYC post from 2009) https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/193890/black-australorp-vs-black-jersey-giant :

Black Jerey Giants shanks and toes should be nearly black ( black preferred) Underpart of the feet should be yellow.

Black Orpington shanks and toes black to dark slate underpart of feet pinkish white.

Australorps shanks and toes black with underpart of feet white.

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