Rarest breed of chicken in the US?

In my opinion, you have hit on the 2 problems with our rare birds and both stem around one issue: breeders. For years I sold and gave away excellent Cubalayas to folks who told me they wanted to help preserve them. Then, I find out later that they let them go or don't even have birds anymore. I COULD HAVE USED THOSE BIRDS! Now, I seldom part with a single Cubalaya; unless, I know for certain the person requesting the bird(s) (a) knows what they are doing and (b) plans to keep them. I usually tell them about the hatcheries that have them. Of course, you can't even do that.

I'd like you to write a good article on the Pyncheons for the SPPA Bulletin. Maybe we could generate some true interest among good breeders? I know you have done that in the past, but I think it is time to do it again.
Jody has some too!

Saladin.....You nailed it RIGHT on the head!!!!! There are "breeders" and there are "keepers" of poultry. I have raised and shown exhibition livestock since 1967...if I can't improve upon the breed in the following breeding season...then I should just take up stamp collecting or macrame. Junk bred to junk produces junk and you can't produce many quality birds with just a few breeders. Quanity and quality give you MORE to select from...and everyone who breeds should have a "Standard" to breed by. The Standard is a Poultrymans Bible and should be read and studied. It is NOT just a bird book with pretty pictures. We have alot of very dedicated breeders out there who have spent years and years and generations upon generations of poultry to keep these wonderful feathered little beings from falling off the face of the Earth. Once the breed is gone...IT'S GONE!!! I keep my livestock for their preservation and to help keep me sane. I also keep a large flock of Scottish Blackface sheep and I also keep over 125 varieties of Dahlias (over 2,000) plants this year). I will NEVER get rich raising Bantams....but that's NOT why I have them. BTW....We have about 20 inches of snow on the ground here in Northern Michigan right now.....BRRRRR!!!! P.S. I raised Cubalayas (large/bantam) at one time as well.....I miss them.....VERY beautiful breed. I love the "Lobster" tails. Thanks, RH:)
This is probably one of my favorite threads. I love reading what ya'll experienced breeders have to say. It makes me want to get into breeding so bad! Not breeding just to sell but breeding to help preserve a breed. My biggest problem is the DH. How do I convince him this is important when all he thinks about is self-preservation of our family. Meaning, if it isn't there for meat or food of some kind it needs to not be there. I agree with him to a point. But it's not all about that to me. After all, they would be providing eggs and eventually, couldn't they be used as food? What do you all do with them when they've reached their peak of laying and breeding?

Rooster Pot Pie

My hens that have served for years are "disbatched" by pellet gun, throats slit, and go to burial, I cannot eat them.
I have no problems with the uppity new and useless cockerals, they go into a roo pen and after they develope hackle they are disbatched, slit, and skinned for fly tieing.
AND pot pie !
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Actually, I'm in total agreement with the 'DH.' A breed should be able to do what it was created to do; otherwise, why preserve it? Having a look-a-like of a rare breed is not the same. If it was for egglaying then it should lay plenty of eggs, if for the table then it should produce a good quality meat, if it was game then it should be game, or if it was only a yard ornament then it ought to look pretty.

You just need to find a bird that meets your needs and your region of the country that you like, study breeding techniques, talk to folks and then jump in.

One word of caution, some rare breeds are in a state of real deterioation. If you get stock from a breeder don't expect it to be top-notch the first year. Just ask the breeder and they'll tell you the problems with the breed.
I agree very much with what saladin wrote. Breeds are much more than coloration and body type. They are also about performance.

The challenge is measuring performance and keeping records. Most of this information can not be assessed simply by looking at a bird. Conditions under which birds are expected to perform should also be realistic. I look for performance using feeds that must be supplemented with access to forage. That way foraging activity can be a factor as well. Regular use of antibiotics should also be avoided as this enables persistance of individuals with poor disease resistance. If a breed is known for setting and mothering then animals used for breeding should have demonstrated that ability. Excessive use of incubators in breeding programs may be counter productive if birds that do not have strong setting-drive tend to put out more eggs for hatching.

Edit: I neglected to insert not above.

To clarify; for my program, a hen has to demonstrate mothering ability. If positive, then incubating is acceptable for her increased output of eggs.
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I agree whole-heartedly in this. I incubate everything in the early spring into summer but as soon as I see a determined hen...I let her brood. Mommas always make it easier on me too. They do all the work. I just remind them to eat and drink.
I agree whole-heartedly in this. I incubate everything in the early spring into summer but as soon as I see a determined hen...I let her brood. Mommas always make it easier on me too. They do all the work. I just remind them to eat and drink.

For some reason chicks hatched under a hen seem to develop and mature into stronger, better birds. Even their conformation seems to be better...I'm not sure how that happens. Exposure to weather, germs etc also make the bird much more resistant to challenges later on. And as you say it makes it easier on you. I do it that way when I can, but sometimes I need more chicks out than I can get that way.


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