:( Ravens :(

Ravens are incredibly intelligent and fascinating birds. That being said, I have found it difficult to appreciate them when early on I lost a few chicks (never an adult bird). Still--if they must be killed, *please* do it in a quick, painless fashion, not but slowing starving them to death with corn and thread. I agree that we must protect our birds, but cruelty is not the answer.

As for the ravens here, my Pyrenees goes after them. It rather amazes me that he differentiates between the ground birds, the peacocks, the small birds and the ravens, but he does. Or perhaps he has seen ravens beginning to harass chickens and has remembered.
Quick and painless is evidently not legal. I don't think many of us take pleasure in torture.
Ok, I think most of us agree that killing a raven is *controversial* at best. So, if you're despirate to get rid of the things, and don't want to potentially break any laws, check into getting a pyrotechnic pistol that launches "harmless" shells. Click here for the pistol. (Google it and try to find the best price, I just picked this because of the information)

There are two different types of "shells". One is a "screamer", which sends the shell flying and reports a siren sound as it flies. Click here for more info

The other type is a "banger". It is more like a typical gun, except it does not "report" until it has flown a hundred feet or so. Click here for more info.

Either of these methods are fairly pricy, but they work fairly well for the neighbor's dogs, too
(Or any other critter that you're not comfortable using the SSS method on)

Anyhow, best of luck getting rid of them, whatever method you choose
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We have so many ravens here in AK... It would have never entered my mind that they were protected. They are big ol' nasty things that hang out at dumpsters for easy meals.

I feel so bad for the OP. Ravens aren't my problem, but I do have air attacks from other birds. I also love to see mine free ranging around my backyard. The kids love it too. For me, that is 75% of the reason I have chickens. It just isn't the same when you have to have them all stuck in a little Fort Knox-built run.

I have no solutions because the ones we know aren't what we want. I am in the same boat. You have my sympathy and understanding.
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Once again -- YES, ravens are FEDERALLY protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. Check the website I already posted if you have any doubts.

If you want to shoot ravens, get a depredation permit first. One of the requirements for getting a depredation permit is that you must FIRST show that you have ALREADY tried non-lethal methods of control.

I stand corrected. My apologies.
You know me, I wouldnt advocate doing anything against the federal government and it's regulations.
Slow and painful is just as illegal as quick and painless. Probably more so, since you might end up charged with abuse in addition to violation of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. Killing or harming ravens in any way is a violation of FEDERAL laws, unless you have first obtained a depredation permit. If you want to kill them, get a permit first.

In order to get a permit, you must show that you have already tried NON-lethal methods of control.
For you guys who think ravens aren't your problems, you may have crows, grackles, or other kinds of birds instead of ravens.
The grackles here don't cause any problems with my chickens except sometimes eating their food I throw out before my chickens get to it. Haha.
They get the leftover and that's fine but a few days ago, there were 6 different species of birds in my yard trying to get some bread that I threw out and the grackle scared them away and took the food.





Hi, I'm new to this forum. I am looking for a list of these 'non-lethal controls' I just came back from my chicken coop where I have some hens sitting on eggs and a rooster. 3 chicks have hatched and are in a separate cage with a mama.

The ravens have also just become very active and hungry. Ravens make a LOT of noise squawking and screaming and calling each other saying 'bunk bunk" at our place, does that help anyone with ID? They HAVE killed a full grown chicken here as a gang and will do anything to get inside the coop. At other times of the year they will just steal the eggs and eat the scraps we throw in but now they have babies and they are all over the coop! They are in the trees and on the roof and the chickens are terrified! Our outdoor run is covered with heavy guage chicken wire. We had fishing net before but the coons chewed through it. I have a dog and we walk down to the coop whenever we hear the squaking but I have to go to work too!!!

We have kept our chicks safe in past years in a small run with solid plywood sides and net over. Ravens will pull a chick out right through chicken wire sides!
I'm wondering if a plastic owl on the coop would scare them off?
But they are bigger than an owl, maybe I need an EAGLE!
thanks for the pic of that Giraffe... I'm sure that helped clear things up...

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