Re growing feathers


May 21, 2021
We have a year old Rhode Island Red who started loosing her back feathers in the fall. We kept her inside during the colder days of winter for probably 2 weeks until she was going stir crazy. We were then putting her in an isolated outside pen and then putting her inside at night. Her feathers were not growing back. They’d start and then they would be gone. I got her a chicken saddle and had that on her for about a month straight thinking that would help. She has a few pin feathers coming in but she’s now losing feathers around the sides of her neck. I couldn’t get a good picture of that. I’m not sure what else to do to help her. We do have a rooster and she is one of his favorites…..any suggestions would be helpful.


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Looks like she is your rooster's favorite girlfriend.
She will regrow her feathers after she molts. You may need to get more hens or separate him except for conjugal visits.
Yes, he loves both of his RIR hens. We have 7 hens that are all a year old. We just got 10 more and they are about 4 months old, so soon he should have enough.
Looks like she is your rooster's favorite girlfriend.
She will regrow her feathers after she molts. You may need to get more hens or separate him except for conjugal visit
Looks like she is your rooster's favorite girlfriend.
She will regrow her feathers after she molts. You may need to get more hens or separate him except for conjugal visit

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