ReallY?? $785 for silkies???

it got to be a scam
I wouldn't give them that not in thier dreams, that's my mortgage
What a crock, why is it we are starting to see more and more of these IDIOTS posting such outragous prices for just regular/mundane birds.
Those birds were started at a reasonable price, it's the bidders that drive it up. Those birds are very nice, and I wouldn't be surprised if the price went higher.
You must have miss my post about the 1 (yes, that's right...1) silkie that sold for $1,200. That evil silkie REALLY stole someone's soul!

I just went back and looked at the bidding history. The top two bidders have 0 feedback. That's not a very good sign!
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The winning bidder did pay. He also bought 2 pairs of whites on there totalling around $1400 and he paid for them as well.
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