Recent Pics of the Peepers (PIC HEAVY)


In the Brooder
7 Years
Dec 14, 2012
Jersey, GA
Bath time is the most exciting part of the day around here and also the hardest time to get pics. But never underestimate the draw of peas....




Niles (back) & Doc (front)

The whole 4-pack

When you're the smallest, you have to stand tall...

At some point the peas were no longer flowing so freely. At that point Doc decided to address the pea deficit.....

Where the quack are the peas lady??

When told he had had enough peas it did not go well...

Enough peas? Wha? That's crazy talk!

Pea talks broke down from there and a riot ensued...

Hope everyone and their feathered friends is having a great night!
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Bath time is the most exciting part of the day around here and also the hardest time to get pics. But never underestimate the draw of peas....

Daphne: Doc

Mose Niles (back) & Doc (front)

The whole 4-pack When you're the smallest you have to stand tall....

At some point the peas were no longer flowing so freely. At that point Doc decided to address the pea deficit.....

Where the quack are the peas lady??

When told he had had enough peas it did not go well...

Enough peas? Wha? That's crazy talk!

Pea talks broke down from there and a riot ensued...

Hope everyone and their feathered friends is having a great night!
I love it, and them so precious
Duck Riot! bahahaha. I'm just not sure I can think of a less threatening mob. At first i thought bunnies, but I've been bit by one before, and also scratched. So ducks are back at the top of my least threatening list ;)
oh wow. mine are 9 days. what breed you have? I got mallards. here is a pic from the first day we got them (4 days old) and then today.

first day, before i learned about what i mess a lidless water holder would cause..LOL live and and learn

today, getting big!

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