Recurring Diarrhea in 3 out of 8 hens

Foods high in water content cause watery poop. Also, extreme weather swings can cause it. Chickens have more issue with going abruptly from cool to hot weather. They will drink a lot of water and that results in the squirts.

As long as your chickens are behaving normally, watery poop alone is no reason for concern, other than the mess. When watery poop is a problem in my flock, I will cook them up a batch of boiled rice to eat. It will usually restore poop to a solid state. Raw carrot can also firm up poop, despite the water content. I hang jumbo carrots with an eye screw screwed into the top and strung up. That entertains for hours and hours.
Thank you, azygous!
I would stop feeding lettuce and fermenting their feed.

Moros carrot soup will help to restore a healthy gut balance, but add only half the mentioned amount of salt as chickens' kidneys are sensitive to it.

Thanks, azygous, You make a great point about the increase of hydration when the temperatures suddenly and dramatically rise and fall. That happens a lot here, especially during the Spring.
I will give the rice and carrots a try.

And, Thank You, LaFleche for the carrot soup suggestion. I spoke to you last fall, when one of my Black Copper Maran hens was having these same problems. You recommended the deworming and the carrot soup then and that did help turn things around for my Maran hen. I've been adding boiled / mashed carrots to their fermented feed, off and on since you recommended that and my girls really love them. I'm hoping that this diarrhea problem has more to do with the extreme weather we experience here, it's just odd that the same 3 out of 8 hens are more sensitive to that. Thanks again for all your advice!
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