Red area just above the beak (Worried)

Brummie Pekin

6 Years
Sep 2, 2017
United Kingdom, Birmingham

This is my first time owning chicks and I am being very over protective (I am 14 years old and raising chickens with a bit of help from my parents) we have 4 Pekin chicks and we bought them when they were 2 weeks old (They are now approximately 5 weeks old) None of them has had problems since now. One of the chicks have a red and white patch above their beak and makes a slight crackling noise we humans associate with mucus. The chick seems to be fit and healthy running around with his friends and he seems to have the perfect heat and food. Is this normal? Since this is my first time I am quite worried. I have been doing all the research I can but I believe experience is more precious so this is why I am asking you guys. Any idea what this could be? I have already read the forums but I can't seem to find the answer.
It's not an injury, you have a misidentified chick. Take a picture of the whole thing so we can see legs and plumage and maybe we can tell you what breed you have. Where did you get your chicks?

ETA: Did you happen to take pictures when you first got them? I ask because that chick also looks younger than 5 weeks.
It's not an injury, you have a misidentified chick. Take a picture of the whole thing so we can see legs and plumage and maybe we can tell you what breed you have. Where did you get your chicks?

ETA: Did you happen to take pictures when you first got them? I ask because that chick also looks younger than 5 weeks.
I got it from a private seller and he had a mixture of Silkies and Pekins and he said the average age was 2 weeks so some might be slightly older and some might be slightly younger but only by a couple of days

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