Red breasted goose


In the Brooder
May 11, 2015

I want to by a couple of red breasted geese. I was wandering if there is a way to keep them without having to cut their feathers to stop them migrating.

Thank you for any answers.
I am not sure what people do, but considering how much they cost it would be best to leave them full winged in a covered aviary.
I would definitely put them in a covered aviary, at a small zoo I worked at, theirs was clipped and had a high fence so they couldn't get out. A hawk came and killed it. So now they have one left and they put it in a closed aviary with other birds.
I personally like having all of my birds full winged and in a covered pen. People do keep them pinioned but in an open air pen like what you described at the zoo, you can have predator issues.
Many thanks for all responses. Sounds like a covered aviary is the way to go, but all our other animals are free to range around, so the idea of penning them is not attractive. We don't have predator issues here.

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