Red Dorking and Cuckoo Marans eggs

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If you are wanting more answers regarding French Marans... it is wise to go to the French.

I did go to the French.
Here is the same link to the French Marans Club website that I provided earlier, but this is the French Language version: Again, I would guess that the American Marans Club is linked to the English Language version only for the sake of convenience. You'll see, if you read French, that it provides the same information as on their translated English version here . That information is that hens lay darker eggs during the beginning of the laying, or the first 20 or so eggs.

Young marans don't lay dark eggs AT FIRST, they then go into a darker stage.

Where can I find this information--can you provide a link or a reference in a book or journal? I think you're taking this too personally. I have information that seems to be at odds with what you're saying, and you seem very adamant, so I'm assuming you have some reason for your belief... again, a journal article, a book, another club or reputable website with different information.

And again I say, the egg color is not revelant to pure birds. Many half breeds or other dark egg layers lay darker eggs. The point is... moot when you are concerned with a breed that SHOULD lay dark eggs but doesn't. The fact so overlooked today is that "if" the Marans are pure there is room for improvement.

Please don't be so defensive.
I am not, have not and WILL not argue that in order to be good Marans, egg color must be absolutely foremost in selection. I didn't say that anywhere, and in fact, I believe I have reassured you about it repeatedly.

Even on the French Marans website that I have given, should you read it, you'll see that they state (English version): "Unfortunately, the hens laying eggs 7, 8 and 9 are not often selected for the body standard : light or skimpy subjects, squirrel’s tails, impure feathers and colours, etc… You can’t succeed in all matters, though! The selection of the Marans is a very hard work and a long exacting task."

Please take a few deep breaths.

In case you haven't noticed this is a FOR SALE forum not a breeds discussion forum.

Yes, you're right about that.

I think we got off on this discussion about the Marans breed when you thought I was suggesting your birds weren't being selected correctly--when I wasn't making that suggestion at all. I was initially questioning the statement you made in connection to a product you were selling--a statement about whether the eggs would get darker or lighter. As this is a forum, sometimes these threads do get a little off track, but please believe me when I say that I couldn't, indeed, disparage your birds as I have never even seen them. (And I am not likely to disparage them even if I HAD seen them

You're perfectly free to believe whatever you want to about your eggs; I only provide the French Marans Club position as a service to other BYC members, the same way we all share our different opinions about the amount of coop space necessary, what to feed, how high roosts should be and so forth.

So... friends?

arklady, thank you thank you thank you. i soooo don't feel bad about how much i spent on my marans eggs anymore.
This is indeed not a breed discussion forum.
Arklady, please repost your ad and the rest of us will keep it to the topic at hand.
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