Red featherless butts

thank you thank you, still seems a mystery doesn't it! Maybe multiple reasons...haha, and here I thought there would be a simple answer....duh!

Not quite so simple when it comes to chickens:) (is it ever?:D)

A few things I have looked at on my hens that have the bare spots - the fluff seems to be rubbed off and I do notice more of their feathers/fluff in the nesting boxes than anyone else. I also looked to see if there were little wounds that might indicate picking/plucking, but the skin looks good, it's just red.

It really is a mystery. I just have to speculate on this one and I keep a watch on them.
Like everyone else mentioned, could be a multitude of reasons. I had gotten one with this problem and it was due to feather picking and over mating. Mostly the feather picking cuz most of it came back with next molt and started looking better within weeks of coming to my place away from the feather picking.

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