Red sex link chickens


Nov 21, 2022
Looking for advice on getting started breeding our own red sex link chicks. We currently have Golden Comets and enjoy them very much. We are looking to breed either Golden Comets or ISA Browns. The internet is confusing on what the parents should be. Some say RIR rooster with White Leghorn hen while others says New Hamshire with White Rock hen to make the Golden Comet. Looking for advice, especially if you have breed or currently breed red sex links. Thank you!
As long as the sire is red and the dam is white, you should have red sex links.
hatcheries have their own recipes for things.
Ok thanks that’s kinda what I was understanding too. I just wanted to make sure I had the right crosses and called the offspring by the right name.
Probably just fond a breeder that actually knows the genetics of their birds more than A+B=C and also has good egg production. Honestly you're almost certainly better just doing a hatchery version of a different white bird
Do you have a suggestion on a white bird with high production rates that could be ordered from hatchery that would work?

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