Red sex link lifespan.

They can live just as long as any other chicken. They are more prone to certain, life-ending conditions, such as internal laying. Their productive span is generally shorter than non-hybrid birds with egg production dramatically decreasing after 2 years of age.
Thank you! I have never raised them. I just have one that is about 11 weeks. I ordered her as a baby chick.
Their life span is standard, but they burn out because they usually lay eggs every day. Expect around a 20-30% decrease in egg production after 2-3 years.

Mine have been a rather dominate breed of chicken, How is the personality on yours? Also, mine so far have never missed a day of egg laying either, even during winter and what I am assuming was "molt"
That is exactly how mine is. She is always trying to be the dominant one. She will really attack them a lot too.
They can live just as long as any other chicken,but many times die early due to egg system problems and diseases.I have 3 hens 2 I know still lay one im not so sure about,I have seen her fake it,she does it often,no idea why.She actually laid a egg yolk,then she laid the shell.
Ok glad to know lol. While I would say they are a great chicken to have if your main goal is egg laying, but I dont think they do well in a mixed flock hahah
I had one die today her name was red she turned 4 in march ibwnt outside and she was laying on the ground she wasnt acting sick or anything she just got her new feathers in too very beautifull birds i had 6 im down too 2 now it broke my heart those were my first birds too get i bought 6 babys at tractor supply they r really good layers she hadnt layed n bout 5 mths but she eat drink didnt show any signs of being ill it shocked me R.I.P. Red i luv u baby girl❤

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