Red stringy poop?

As @SmiYa0126 says, just grab the tube that you see is for other livestock. You will give them each a glob directly into the beak for the next three days. Repeat in 10 to 14 days. Chickens like the apple flavor and I've never had a problem getting them to accept it right off my finger.
Hi, I’m hoping I can get y’all’s thoughts on something. Unfortunately, our Easter Egger pullet passed away. We have two more pullets that are lethargic and not acting right. I’ve been putting safe guard and Corid in their water since yesterday afternoon. I’ve been giving water to the two that are acting sick and they’re not eating. Should I isolate the two that are acting sick to prevent it from spreading to more of the flock? This is our first time with sick birds so this has been extremely hard. Thanks for your help!
Hi, I’m hoping I can get y’all’s thoughts on something. Unfortunately, our Easter Egger pullet passed away. We have two more pullets that are lethargic and not acting right. I’ve been putting safe guard and Corid in their water since yesterday afternoon. I’ve been giving water to the two that are acting sick and they’re not eating. Should I isolate the two that are acting sick to prevent it from spreading to more of the flock? This is our first time with sick birds so this has been extremely hard. Thanks for your help!
More info/clarification: The whole flock is being treated with the same water but I’m giving the two lethargic pullets water with a syringe to ensure they’re getting it.
More info/clarification: The whole flock is being treated with the same water but I’m giving the two lethargic pullets water with a syringe to ensure they’re getting it.
And more info… the sulfa powder will be here tomorrow but we’re worried about it spreading today to the others and possibly losing the other two before the medicine gets here. Do you know if this is sold at stores VS. Online?
You can get ot at Petsmart or any where they sell pigeon supplies.

No need to separate the sick ones. All have been exposed, and it's very likely it's coccidiosis. With the sick ones, take the undiluted Corid liquid and give .1ml per pound of body weight directly into the beaks by syringe in addition to the Corid water. Do this for three days. This is the drench for very sick birds. This should work pretty fast to turn them around. But get the sulfa as quickly as possible.

Yes, this is very upsetting. Losing a chicken never gets easier.
Hi, I’m hoping I can get y’all’s thoughts on something. Unfortunately, our Easter Egger pullet passed away. We have two more pullets that are lethargic and not acting right. I’ve been putting safe guard and Corid in their water since yesterday afternoon. I’ve been giving water to the two that are acting sick and they’re not eating. Should I isolate the two that are acting sick to prevent it from spreading to more of the flock? This is our first time with sick birds so this has been extremely hard. Thanks for your help!
Sorry for your loss. I would reread post number 2 by azygous, and treat with sulfa antibiotic in case of coccidiosis complicated with enteritis. The Corid is fine to use as well, but an antibiotic is better for enteritis. Amoxicillin (aquamox found online) works well against enteritis. Some strains of coccidia may be resistant to Corid. Your vet may be helpful to do a fecal float on fresh droppings to diagnose coccidia, and a gram stain for enteritis if you call them and ask. Nothing beats lab work for a diagnosis, although it is not always possible with some vets.
Hi, I’m hoping I can get y’all’s thoughts on something. Unfortunately, our Easter Egger pullet passed away. We have two more pullets that are lethargic and not acting right. I’ve been putting safe guard and Corid in their water since yesterday afternoon. I’ve been giving water to the two that are acting sick and they’re not eating. Should I isolate the two that are acting sick to prevent it from spreading to more of the flock? This is our first time with sick birds so this has been extremely hard. Thanks for your help!
Safe guard has to be given orally. It cannot be mixed with water.
Yes, it's important, as @Bkaye says, to give the Safeguard undiluted. This paste is not meant to be mixed with water. Give a dose right off your finger as I described in post #8.
The feed store we went to yesterday only had the liquid safe-guard goat dewormer and they said a lot of people use the liquid for chickens but just change the ratio for chickens. I just went by tractor supply a few minutes ago to see if they had an sulfa antibiotic but they did not. However, I saw a safeguard paste version for cattle and livestock so we’re getting that. We’re on the way to petco and pet supplies plus for the antibiotic (I’ll also look for amoxicillin if they do t have the sulfa). The one we ordered won’t be here until tomorrow but we’re going to find one asap so they can get some today. I’ll grab the paste on the way home too. I have the two sick pullets Corid undiluted based on your suggestion! Thank you so much for your help. I’m so grateful!
The sulfa powder came this morning. Phew! The flock has been on Corid and just now got some of the sulfa antibiotic. The two sick girls seem to be perking up a little. Still not eating their usual food/pellets. The two did eat some corn that I put out though. I’m praying this helps turn them around. Thank you again for your help!!

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