Redwood Incubators - Information, help, for sale and wanted

Hello I have a 1973 humidair Red wood drum hatcher .model num 150...i love it it works great..I hatched 120 chicks from it my first holds like 750 jumbo chicken eggs incubator/hatcher has 3 red doors going across the front..lft side holds 6 egg baskets as does the rgt side the mid door hold the water/temp unit fan rotates every 2 hrs
Im looking to sell it for the right price..if not ill keep it they dont make them like this anymore..
Anyone ever seen a "Boling Incubator Company" incubator. They are usually the large "mammoth-type"
Can anyone tell me what model this redwood cabinet incubator is? The tag says Brower but I have no instruction manual for it and I am looking for any information I can find on this unit. Thanks in advance for any information :)
Your incubator looks identical to my own. Mine is a Sears FarmMaster. It was made in the 50's. Your door, glass, hinges, vents, light switch, right down to the thermometer in the glass is the same. My guess is that on your thermometer, there is a second 'hook' for a wet bulb thermometer and glass.

I think that the model was made for a number of manufacturers and distributors back then. Leahy made a very similar one.

I am envious - you still have the indicator light cover. That part is impossible to find. I also have only 4 trays in mine and you seem to have the complete set.
Fantastic thank you! Yes we definitely scored an amazing deal with his unit....but with no model # or information in it we were hoping to find more information. So there are multiple brands that made this type of unit? is there anywhere to locate a manual or is the manual posted at the beginning of this thread suitable for this unit?
I don't know which company actually made the unit - perhaps Leahy? But it was sold under a number of brand names - Sears being one of them. Somewhere on this site, someone has uploaded a copy of a service manual for this unit. But I don't remember where.

it isn't complicated though to figure out. Most of the parts -fan, heating coil, thermostat light bulbs etc. are still available from GQF and a couple of other suppliers.
I am a owner of a Sears Farm Master Incubator.

I wanted to start this thread to help people find them for sale, sell them, learn about them, restore them and any other questions people might have about the older wooden incubators made.

I have seen many online for sale and wanted to a place for those looking for them to be able to find them as well as a place for those selling them to post.

These Incubators were made with solid redwood (also known as sequoia or the giant redwoods)
Double walled and hold humidity and heat like nothing else can.
The most common for sale that I can tell are the:
Farm Master
and many many more.

Here is a example of one that is currently for sale.

So If you have access to a manual for a older redwood incubator, scan the manual and post please!
If you see one for sale but already have one or it is not local for you to buy post it please!
If your selling one please post!
If your restoring one I would love to see the process and photos!

Come on in, sit down awhile and chat around the table about the great redwood incubators!
i have an opportunity to purchase 1 to 4 of these ranging in 200 eggs to 7000 egg hatching. They need some restoration but i have no idea where to begin to purchase the parts i need or where to find a manual. Any suggestions?

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My first post here in this thread trying to help a friend from Spain, his Dad bought it years ago and he is looking for intructions or even a booklet
the incubator is a Buckeye style 14-E Here are some pictures.

Thanks in advance

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