Regina chicken spoiled?


Dec 27, 2020
I have a 4 week old chick that I call Regina who was a got from the wild flock in my area after her mum and siblings drowned. She was really weak when I pulled her from the water so I felt bad and kind of spoiled her up until to the point (allowed to roam the house, heating pads everywhere, walking on towels). Now she won't go near the other chickens, Chase is my cats, and won't eat chicken feed, only people food and only when I give it to her directly? I do want to put her outside with my two hens eventually but I'm afraid she's going to be too naive and get killed by some predator :(

How do I toughin her up?


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You are worried about something that may not happen. I have no idea of your location,,, so hard to tell when the correct time to introduce to outdoors/coop. When the weather is correct, just place your Regina into a large dog cage,,, in the run. Do this for a few days. (have water and food inside for her) Your current hens will adjust to seeing Regina. Then with supervision, let Regina out into company of you hens. Of course there will be pecking order squabbles,,, but as long as there is escape possibilities, things should normalize into one happy flock.
In general terms,, chickens do not go after other chickens that are over 2 feet distance away. Most squabbles occur at feeder site. so have multiple feed dishes present.

WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :highfive:
@cavemanrich is offering good advice.

I have an accidental "house chicken" that was gifted to me as a chick and is terrified of other chickens. Although the dog crate method didn't work with Dottie, it has worked for me with other chickens.

I am concerned that with Regina eating only people food, she may not be getting the best nutrition. Have you tried different types of chicken feed? I have some girls who prefer pellets and some prefer crumbles.

I hope your Regina learns to be part of the flock!
@cavemanrich is offering good advice.

I have an accidental "house chicken" that was gifted to me as a chick and is terrified of other chickens. Although the dog crate method didn't work with Dottie, it has worked for me with other chickens.

I am concerned that with Regina eating only people food, she may not be getting the best nutrition. Have you tried different types of chicken feed? I have some girls who prefer pellets and some prefer crumbles.

I hope your Regina learns to be part of the flock!
She is far too small for the pellets so I've only really tried the chick crumbles
I have a hen who was an only baby and spoiled, too. I took her everywhere with me. I did get her another chick (almost 2 months younger), and the chick did bond with her, and made integration easier. I just sort of tossed them into the brooder together one evening, and they were fine. She's still a very laid-back girl!

I agree with the mash. I spice mine up with dried herbs for chickens, and a couple sunflower seeds and grubs, though those may be too big for your baby.
Thank you for all your responses! I will try the mash chick crumble and to try and find another chick to put with her! One last question, I've been having to give her a quail waterer because she likes to try and drown herself regularly, I'm talking dunking her head completely underwater and gulping. She always has sneezing fits right after but the thing is I use bowls for my chickens out side and I'm afraid she'll drown herself :(


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