Regrouping after predator wipe-out...

Those who feed eggshells.. Do you keep them in the fridge, rinse & leave out, or just feed immediately? Also how fine do you crush them?
I rinse them, set them on the counter to drain/dry, then crush them with my hands.
They crush up easy if they dry first, pieces are pretty small... maybe 1/8".
I rinse them, set them on the counter to drain/dry, then crush them with my hands.
They crush up easy if they dry first, pieces are pretty small... maybe 1/8".

Those who feed eggshells.. Do you keep them in the fridge, rinse & leave out, or just feed immediately? Also how fine do you crush them?
Carcar I basicly do the same thing. I put them in my egg basket to dry and bring them out to them when I collect eggs. I just crush them up in my hand and throw them out and wait for my laying hens to go crazy!
Thanks! :) And y'all (personally) don't have trouble with egg eaters? Free-ranging I never worried as much about treats and such, but I want them well-rounded being closed up.
And y'all (personally) don't have trouble with egg eaters? Free-ranging I never worried as much about treats and such, but I want them well-rounded being closed up.
With the shells crushed they don't associate the egg shells with their own eggs. I also keep fake eggs in the nesting boxes which deters egg eating by making the curious think that they are inedible!
And y'all (personally) don't have trouble with egg eaters? Free-ranging I never worried as much about treats and such, but I want them well-rounded being closed up.
Nope. My buddy used to feed whole eggs once in a when you drop one when gathering haha, never had an egg eater.
This is cold, 6 inches of snow and 24 degrees!
But I would rather deal with this than the heat y'all get down there in the summers.

We rarely get snow here. We get a lot of ice/freezing rain.
. She said that they have a coop/run that is surrounded by a dog run/kennel and when they go out or at night they put the dog in the run. The dog can't get out or at the chickens and anything that wants to get in has to get over the fence and over the dog. Sounds like a pretty foolproof system.
My coop will be in the barn, but our dogs have access to the barn area. So I'm hoping they will be of some help in the predator problem.

Looked in the laying box and had a HUGE honkin' egg!! It's definitely from one of the new gals bc it's not dark as Olive's, which leads me to assume its from the Red Star due to its size (my other BO laid light eggs but not too big..)

Congrats on the new egg! Looks like the new girls have settled down since one is already laying!

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