Reluctantly raising chicks - Instantly smitten


6 Years
Apr 3, 2018
Hello! I am a homeschooling mom of 5 up here in frigid Michigan. We had kind of talked in passing about getting chickens for a couple years. As time went on, I felt less excited about the idea. We do live sort of "in-town" and I wanted to wait until we were out in the country.

However, March 16, my husband texted me had just loaded up a brooder box from work. I was like, um, what? Does that have something to do with chickens? :hmm:eek: Later that night he surprised our kids and took us to Tractor Supply and bought 10 chicks and all the supplies we needed.

The first night I was scared to death! I did not want another 10 living things to be responsible for. By the next day, I was in love with those little chirping pooping puffballs.

My husband wants to move them out to their coop this weekend and I don't feel ready for them to be that far away :lol:. I worry about them way too much!

So, that's my story. :)

My daughters tried to get pictures of them earlier this week. Almost all of them here :) We only were able to purchase 2 pullets, so the rest are a gamble. We cannot keep roosters here in town, so hopefully we don't end up having too many of those!
Phil Just Because he's cute.jpg
Austrolorps 2.jpg
Unknown Pair.jpg
Silver Laced Wyandotte.jpg
Rhode Island Red 1.jpg
Black Jersey Giant .jpg
Black Jersey Giant Close Up.jpg
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Adorable!! Im I'm absolutely no expert because I'm a first time chick mama as well...but at least one of those looks like a roo! Good luck! They sure are addicting!
Pretty sure the austrolorp on the left is! His comb/waddle is so bright pink and developed so much earlier than the "twin". Sigh. :( It will be hard to part ways.

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