Removal of an inapropriate ad


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 10, 2014
The Fredrick of Hollywood ad really needs to go. I was on the forum a little before 11:00AM and it popped up on the side of the page. I don't want to cause any problems but I really must say God says in His word the bible that to look on a woman and lust is the same as committing adultery with her. This ad has that ability. Please remove it or I will be leaving this forum. I have the picture I could send but then I would be causing others to stumble. If you really need it I will post it to you in a private message.
Thank you.
The Fredrick of Hollywood ad really needs to go. I was on the forum a little before 11:00AM and it popped up on the side of the page. I don't want to cause any problems but I really must say God says in His word the bible that to look on a woman and lust is the same as committing adultery with her. This ad has that ability. Please remove it or I will be leaving this forum. I have the picture I could send but then I would be causing others to stumble. If you really need it I will post it to you in a private message.
Thank you.
- sorry you were offended, but not everyone follows the same belief system - I do believe there are options to allow for ad free viewing such as the paid memberships, etc. If you consider it, because there are so many different belief systems by which people live (especially when considering this is an international forum), in one way or another someone could be offended by just about everything - so if you go about trying to remove everything that might offend someone you aren't left with much (not just ads - applying this to general things as well). This is why it is better for each individual to do their own "filtering" that works for their personal belief system by navigating away from a page, blocking ads, choosing not to look at things that they find offensive, etc - rather than expecting the "world" at large to filter itself to their standard.
Given it was an ad and not even actual site content, I can't imagine choosing to leave such a wonderful community over that.
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The ads on BYC, likewise on most sites today, are generated by engines outside the general control of the website. Advertising, even randomly generated and "smart" ads, based on what I may have searched for, are part of the modern experience on the internet. It's way pays the bills. Accessing the internet sites "freely" comes with a cost of advertising, just like television or radio I'm afraid. Not a fan of all the TV ads either, but such is life.

If you buy a membership at BYC, the ads are gone. This is really the best approach. Use the "Store" brown tab at the top of the page to place an order and the advertising will be turned off.

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